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Harbingers of Fear

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DAEDLUS | 14:52 Sun 30th Nov 2008 | Arts & Literature
201 Answers
I am a Fan of The Luke Thanet Books and would like to know what Harbingers of Fear is about. It is a Book written before the Thanet books but by the sme Author, I have no luck when putting the Title in Google


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If my brother had given me mustard i'd have bottled him over the head with it as I hate the stuff he used to do stuff like that though he denies it now.
Snow is strange stuff isnt it I always think snow when I eat candy floss have you had that ? Weird but I love it.
Your mum sounds very caring and very nice. She obviously wants you to experience as much as you can.
Your carer sounds a right grump i'd put him in your book and kill him off on the first chapter. You can bury him in the
flower bed.
Begonias and chrysanthemums are flowers but I didnt know plinth was a gardening term either so i've learnt something too. Only meaning I knew of it was like a stand to display stuff on.
�1000 wow thats some bill. Its so easy to run up a bill without realising on those things but at least you dont have
bills like that now. Its a very hard lesson to learn though.
Short stories is good if you tire quickly reading and it gives you a good appraisal of the sleuth.
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I don't think I have ever had Candyfloss and if I have I took one mouthful and hated it., I told my Mum what you said about bottleing your brother if he did what my brother did and she laughed. What you said about snow reminding you of it reminded me of bald heads, the idea of scratching them is making me feel uncomfortable now, they make me imagine skating. Yes my Mum is very caring and encouraging about my Literary Ideas and everything else, Although there are some Murder Mysteries where the Murder takes place in the first chapter or that the Murderer is revealed on the last page those things are rare although in the Thanet Books the Victim is usually found in the first chapter but not with the Mel Craig books and the Murderer is usually revealed in the Penultimate (Another word I like) Chapter. I agree about short stories, reading them is a good way of knowing wether to persevere with the sleuth.
I love candy floss I bought a machine to make my own but after getting it on the chairs the dogs and the floor I gave up with none on the stick. Dont think ive mastered that art yet. I once bought 12 bags full and ate them in one go and was as sick as a parrot lol.
Cant say snow reminds me much of bald heads but ive never tried skating on a bald head before lol
You like words, thats good for a would be author. How about my word for Agatha Christie - bamboozler. Thats because she always chooses the one it cannot possibly be and it always turns out to be them. Annoys me sometimes.
Penultimate is a good word I agree. I like words. I like finding obscure words and expressions. Manglewurzle is one I love. What a pity no-one uses such words any more they were much more fun.
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Keep trying with the Candyfloss machine, I hadn't ever thought that about Agatha Christie books although in afew she was a bit unfair to the Reader, with after a few Thanet Books I started to realise that you had to think what would be the consequence for each of the suspects and the Suspect with whome the consequence would be saddest was the Murderer then I read one where I thought wasn't the case so I became unbstuck as they say (Which I have never understood, surely when that word is used in that context it should mean stuck. There is a Daily Puzzle on Teletext called Bamboozle, I used to do it daily butd also have decided I have to email a fri haven't done it for ages, it is just 12 Questions, I have been thinking about my story and have been thinking of Fictitious place names and have decided I have to email a friend to ask why Venture Venture Scouts march through the Town once a month, I joined when I lived in Peacehaven and that is what we did once a month but I can't remember why and I want to give that extra snippet as one of my Sleuths is going back to a place where she was a Guide and then a Venture Scout as a young girl and if my memory serves me right , Venture Scouts, Scouts, Guids, and Sea Cadets all Marched from the Scout Hut to the Church and I remember the beating of a drum when a Horse went past so the Horse wasn't as I think we had to stop playing music so the Horse wasn't frightened, the riders shouldn't have been there as theY should have known it was a regular thing.
Our guides scouts etc all march on certain days, I know the sea scouts march on TS Laforey day in honour of their founder here but Brownies etc march on church festival days or they do here.
I used to be a Brownie but only lasted a week or two and was asked to leave as a disruptive element lol
Why not take two towns or villages and cut their names in half and join them together to make a new one. Like Kettering and Rothwell becomes Kettwell.
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Thankyou for that Information, etc I know Peacehaven where I was a Venture Scout was once called New Anzacs, something to do with a Plotoon being made up of Men from New Zealand and Australia, the name of the Village was changed to Newhaven as that was the name chosen in a Competition, when I have thought of names in the past the 1st part is part of the name of a school friend and the 2nd is a usual ending to a place name Bridge, field, ham etc, I decided to use Christie Characters for the 1st part of the name of 2 Villages. I looked up the 1st June Thompson book and the name of the town mentioned was Wrexford which sounds alot like Wexford, I am surprised who ever was first was able to be so blatant, I am going to look in the Phone Book for inspiration for surnames of Characters, there is a surname of a vicars son I knew and can't remember it. Thankyou for reviving my enthusiasm for writing
Thats a good idea using half the names of people you know if you cant remember the vicars son's name why not just use that Vicarssen.
I was a bit surprised at Wrexford and Wexford but I dont think there was any similarity intended I think maybe the Irish county was more the inspiration though thats guessing.
Im glad you have got enthusiastic about writing as so many of us plan to do something and then shelve it so they never actually achieve what they could. Im the biggest offender im always thinking of projects I never get round to.
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The vicars son's first name is a surname if you put an 'S' on the end so I might give the Character that surname, I wrote yesterday to the son of the Venture Scout leader so hopefully I will get a reply, he is one of my friends on Friends Reunited. One of my faults is apathy too.
Everyone gets apathetic at times I know I do. I start things all the time then never get to finish them. I intend to I just never do.
I am hoping to read Hobsons Choice this week I knew it was a play I didnt realise the playwright was asked to write it as a novel because it was so successful.
I have just been to my costume rooms to get something and discovered the roof has leaked so looks like I shall be up a ladder at the weekend trying to fix that. Everythings sopping.wet.
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Oh Poor you I not too much is spoilt, I read Hobson's Choice at School, It was only a small Residential schol in Malmesbury which closed last year, there were about 6 or 7 to a class and only a hand full of classes we read Hobson's Choice as a Play in English The Teacher was wonderful we used to read plays and other books and I remember reading Murder Mystery Plays (I think I told you) as well as Hobson's Choice and Toad of Toad Hall. After we rerad Hobson's Choice we saw the Film with Charles Laughton, John Mills and Prunella Scales and after we read Lord Of The Flies we saw that film too, We also read My Family and Other Animals by Gerald |Durrel about his time in Corfu (I think) and I loved the book so I bought it the year before last but I haven't re-read it yet, It was on the Christmas before last with Imelda Staunton as Gerald's Mother, It brought back happy memories. Enjoy Hobson's Choice
Yes I will thanks I just need to find time to read it. I love My Family and Other animals I named my first dog years ago after Widdle his dog. Lord of Flies that is still on the exam syllabus I dont think it ever comes off it it was definately on in the 1960's as they tried to give me it as a reading book. I hated it.
Wont know how much damage the leaks done until the bad weather clears as its still raining in and too wet for me to get on the roof to fix it.
I have a stack of books and dvds to get round to I like jigsaw puzzles too and ive 2-3 of them waiting for me to have a go. I must get myself organised. Ive 2 logic problem books to do as well. I need an extra day in the week I think.
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When I came of the Computer I realised it was Cyprus where Gerald Durrel lived as Spiro was Greek and there was a Character who ws Turkish and as Cyprus ius half Greek and half Turkish Spiro didn't like him. I have many books I want to read and many Video's I want to watch or re-wach My Mum says I could do with more hours in the day and this Morning another Logic Problem book came, I will do the 2 warm-up Puzzles and get my Mother or brother to put it in the Cupboard, my Carer just slung it on the top last time I asked him to do it but I like the new one on the bottom, afcter finishing each book I do a problem from an annual which has to old Editions but they don't do them now and old puzzles are in with new books, It is quicker since I started using pencil.
Well its important to have things how you like them. I go crackers if anyone has my stuff and puts it back in the wrong place.
I keep telling myself I wont buy any more of anything till ive cleared all ive got but then I see another book and all good intentions go out the window.
Next dvd will be Romeo and Juliet as thats on my sons o level list. Cant say as i'll enjoy it as me and Shakespeare do not go at all I think he's Much Ado About Nothing lol
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I am always telling myself that I should be more tolerent of people in many ways I have a recall that others don't have and there is no reason why what is important to me should be important to others. I have NEVER read Shakespeare, I think the Teachers at the school I went to (Or maybe the Charity that owned the School thought Shakespeare was too high-brow or complicateI for Disabled people, the nearest I have got to him or his work are Quotations in Wodehouse or once when I was in Hospital my Mum read me a Simon Brett Book in which Charles Paris (one of his Detectives who is an Actor) is taking part in a Shakespeare Play) My Mum says Gerald Durrel did go to Corfu so he might have gont to both Corfu and Cyprus. Good luck with Shakespeare.
You dont know how lucky you are to have escaped Will Shakespeare why he had to write in such odd words I dont know as nobody actually used words like forsooth! And if some Romeo had stood under my balcony in a pair of tights spouting such stupid stuff i'd have emptied a bucket of water on him. Not that I have a balcony.
I remember reading a Simon Brett book but cant for the life of me recall anything about it. Dont think I was too impressed with him but I dont remember it so i'm not sure
if I liked it or not really. Ngaio Marsh has set a couple of hers in a theatre too. I get lost between the characters in the book and the characters they are playing on stage when they do that.

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Simon Brett has 3 sets of Detectives, An Actor Charles Paris, A widow Melita Pargetter whose husband was a bit of a criminal but who was very good to other Criminals so they help her out and 2 women I who live in a Village I think but I haven't read any of those but I will one day as I love Simon Brett's writing, he worked for the beeb and has written Radio Series's 2 of which went to Television. I saw one Ngaio Marsh set in a Theatre on Television once but it lost me completely, I finished a Sexton Blake short story last night and am at the start of a Dick Barton Story, How aree you getting on with Hobson's Choice?
Im still on the first chapter ive not had time to start it yet. I dont like reading unless #I can read the whole book in one or two sittings.
I might give Simon Brett another go as none of those ring a bell.
Dick Barton used to be on radio I think when I was a kid.
I am doing running orders for my show ive been on it nearly 3 days now it takes ages but i'm nearly there I hope.
The shows loosely based on crime, cops and robbers etc.
Its a variety show but all the songs have a crime connection
Quick Joey Small, Bonnie and Clyde, Murder Murder.
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Before you mentioned Hobson's Choice it never occurred to me that it was in Novel form.

Yes, Dick Barton was on the Radio and the programme was brought to the screen in the 70s, My Mum told me that when it was on radio once her Cousin was listening intently to it and had some scissors in his hand and cut through a rug because he was so absorbed in it., Your Murder Mystery show looks like it nwill be great.
I thought I was the only one who did things like that whilst thinking of other things. I was forever getting a good hiding for drawing on the table mats and table cloth whilst thinking of other things. Drawing is my other love i'm not very good but it keeps me sane and relaxes me.
I dont remember much about Dick Barton only that he was on, The Clitheroe Kid was my favourite I have the show on tape and it still makes me laugh.
Do you have books on tape, they are supposed to be really good, i've not tried them but if it means I can read a book whilst doing something else at the same time I might.
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I used to like Drawing, I went through a stage where I drew Characters I invented, this was when I watched Dangermouse and so I created a Superhero along with Side-kick and Boss, Villain and Villains Henchmen, I also created a little kingdom with people who lived in it. My Mum wrote to Cosgrove Hall and told them about my Drawings and they wrote back saying I should pursue it but it was totally impractical at the time. The Village was based on Trumpton and Camberwick Green - I liked Chigley but I think it was the weaker of the 3 programmes, I loved Trumpton and Camberwick Green., I have heard of The Clithero Kid but that is as much as I know.

Yes I have a Collection of Books on Tape, Agatha Christie, P. G. Wodehouse, Dorothy L Sayers and others and also Dramatisations of other Books by the same Authors, I really enjoy them although I haven't listened to any for a while but I have been thinking about them alot lately so perhaps I might listen to one.

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