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Hilary Mantel

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lady-janine | 12:42 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Arts & Literature
13 Answers
I've just read that Hilary Mantel has died. No doubt this is not news to everyone else but I just want to say : may you Rest In Peace and thank you for the enjoyment I have had from reading your books.


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Only 70 (well, anyone younger than me is "only", but I believe she'd had troublesome medical conditions for years). A good writer - and reviewer of other people's books too.
Sorry to read this...too young.
I admit to not having read Wolf Hall, but I did read and enjoy her earlier, shorter works.
Never read any of her work but really enjoyed the tv adaptation of Wolf Hall.
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I believe she was the subject of Portrait Artist of the Year in 2013 and the portrait is hung in the British Library. The first to do so of any living writer.
A great author. RIP
Sad news.
young - - 70 - - - was it expected ?
no, sudden but peaceful, PP
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pp - she had been suffering from bad health for quite a while I believe
I have not been able to post before due to tech problems but just to àdd my voice to what has already been said.
I felt as if I had lost a friend when I heard this sadd news. If anyone deserved the label National Treasùre she did.
Just to say radio 4 are repeating 2 programmes about her tomorrow Sunday at 4pm.
Thank you Hilary Mantel for so much pleasure and enlightenment.
Telegraph today reporting it as a stroke.
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