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Answerprancer | 00:55 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | Arts & Literature
200 Answers
Inspired by a suggestion from Ann86.

Do you have any photos you've taken and would like to post here?
They could be from a basic 'point n shoot', a high falutin' DSLR or a scan from a pic taken on an old film camera or maybe just something you snapped on your phone.
Maybe you could give a short account of the circumstances eg. where/why it was taken, what memory/feeling it holds for you.


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Not at all, didn't even think you were, you'd need to hear the tone I said really - like an excited child! any tips welcome, it's all new to me x
This a steel box I made from runic symbols,I made it for my sister and her husband for their wedding present.The symbols are all good luck and prosperity symbols, the little booklet inside is all about the origins of the symbols etc, it now has pride of place in her lounge.

I really enjoyed making it and it took me about 14 days to make, In many ways it is still quiet rugged as I wanted it to retain some of its natural charm. I think it worked well.
You should be earning a living with your hands Ratter, you've shown us this, which is lovely, plus your chicken house, is there no end to your talents.
PS: Are you going to take advantage of the amnesty and change RATTER to Ratter?
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Ok then, another one - set your PB account to 'private' then random nosey-parkers won't be able to do what I just did (ie. post a pic from your gallery) !
lol thanks Ladybirder, I enjoy the work I do already to want to change and I really dont get time to do a lot of that type of work any more. I do miss it sometimes.

I have a thing about upper case, I even hand write in upper case (its a dyslexia thing) so no I will keep my upper case name. :-)
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It's doubly satisfying to see that the subject of a photograph was created by the photographer. Could we see more of these please!
OK, perhaps when you retire it could be a way of earning a bit extra at your leisure, RATTER:-)
A few more bits I made here.

Im never going to retire, life is too good to retire from! :-)
They are great Ratter! Do you sell them online?
Ann, I used to sell online, mostly to the USA but these days Im just too busy to make them, I had a bit of a line going with the runes and runic charms etc, the Americans loved them. I dont think I will ever make them commercially again, it started off as a hobby but the pressure of making them to order ruined a bit really.
Thanks for the tips AP, just trying them out.
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That's an interesting effect and a great angle Prudie.

Here's one I took of my friend's pussy...
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S'gone a bit dead here, come on folks more photies please!
In the meantime, here's a photo I took at the V&A a few weeks ago, one for the ladies perhaps, of a jewel encrusted gold bracelet with a picture of Gene Wilder in it ;-)
Gene Wilder lol!
Here's a heron catching some rays. He stood like this for 20 minutes or so, topping up the tan
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Great colours Prudie.
That heron looks as though he's waiting for his big brother to chuck him a trout!
I used to have an FZ7 - it's a great camera, I took loads of pics with it, Leica lens and 1/2" macro.
I like the Panasonic FZ's. They save me from carrying lots of kit when I'm out walking or bird watching and lots of money in zoom lenses! I've moved up to an FZ150 now. What did you use for your Dungeness shpt AP?
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That was my faithful old Canon 350D, my first ever DSLR bless it.
Sadly I killed it by inappropriately touching the electronic contacts in the lens mount, now it's fully manual only.
How did you process that picture AP. It really matches Dungeness. Obviously knocking off the electronics didn't harm the end result. Eye and composition is all
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It's an HDR made of about 5 different exposures tone mapped together hence the hyper-real look.
I processed each of the five shots in Photomatix, then brought the resulting TIFF image back into Photoshop to adjust any further under/over exposure and to correct any colour discrepancies.
Indeed, the knackered contacts made no difference to the process, I don't mind manually focusing!

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