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Monet ::Van Gogh:: Renoir.((*_*))

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VINNY100_2 | 12:12 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers
Dear ED. could you put some Paintings up on the blank page while we are waiting for it to change.I quite like the Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum.(:O)


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I drive.!!!!
Mainly robinia up the wall hehe..!(:O)
im just posting it netti>>>>
Phew... a day wasted... battling against that virus on the phone with the broadband supplier on and off from morning till closing time. Yesterday's spam (from me to me) may not necessarily have meant there's a virus, but as you may recall there were attacks reported before I went on my trip and the broadband company even sent threatening letters to me as these attacks were coming from my computer... which I pay the broadband company to protect with anti-virus and firewall both... so I've been quite p'd off with'em. Hoping it's sorted now and I won't be receiving any more peculiar offers over the email. <Damn, I was rather looking forward to downloading a video or two of jno in a compromising situation. Just think: No paper bags anywhere!> (Oh and I managed to negotiate two whole months free of charge for broadband, anti-virus and firewall! And I didn't even have to mention my ibicenca (?) friend with a gun - you go, Neti!)

Your little thief is so adorable, Shaney, love it when you post him. these yours ?

That was another nice MB song Robinia, I do believe I'll have to get to know them more closely - to be honest I've known them mostly for Nights In White Satin. Googling I find they're still active!! Any hits lately?

Sherry vinegar, satan begone I didn't even know there was such a thing, Vinny. I'll try the mint then, good, 'cos that one's certainly much easier to find.

"These pants, considering their provenance and pedigree, are very exciting." God I love the British.
I'm worried now as I've had one or two emails sent to myself - are they really viruses? what do I have to do about them?
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You have to take the putta in the garden ,cover it with old knickers and leave it there for 24 hours netti. just read it on the virus site...(:O).

And nota bene there should be a full moon.

Neti most likely it's no worse than any other spam, according to my broadband supplier. But if you start getting a lot of them, or - more importantly - people in your address book are also getting them, with you as the sender, then you must talk to your supplier. You already know not to click on attachments, and it may be wise to not even open spam mail at all (why anyone would want to do that.) Anyway the fact that you yourself are the sender does not (necessarily) mean it has been sent from your email box, which to me was reassuring. In other words you probably don't have to do anything, if it's just the odd email now and then and if you haven't been noticing anything else and if your address book friends haven't been harassed by you. Which most likely they haven't. Anyway that's the story the broadband supplier tried to make me belive - and right now "I want to believe".
Oh that didn't make much sense did it Neti, you must be wondering whether I did have a virus or not - as I seem to be saying both. But yes I did - but the "self-sent" email didn't necessarily have anything to do with it and did not have to be dealt with separately.

Little Big Man on the telly late tonight! Never saw it, hoping it's good. *casually* What's your name on IMDb jno?
ooh - no idea, Kit, except that I don't think it was jno, as that was already taken; I mean how many people are out there naming themselves after juicy navel oranges. I had to think of something else but can't remember what it was. Probably if I try to sign on at home the computer will remind me, but I'm at work at the moment.

Yes, I found my hotmail had been broken into recently and spam had been sent to people who'd sent me emails - they weren't even on my contacts list, as I don't have one (for exactly this reason), they'd just managed to read the addresses of emails actually in my inbox. Grrr. Very aggravating. I've changed the password so I'll see if it happens again. Fortunately nothing revealing or incriminating in my inbox, no credit card numbers, just lists of DVDs I want to buy to watch in my old age.
Oh nooooooo... just as I was beginning to calm down... let's change the subject: jno I meant under which name do you write reviews; I'm not sure if my question was clear - but it was just a long shot, I'm not saying it's any of our business really. Just being nosy. I was thinking the other day of a very good oldish Swedish movie I'd like to recommend to you jno and to all the rest of yous as well if you haven't seen it already:
The Simple-Minded Murderer
Get it, buy it, it's one of the very, very best.
that's what I thought you meant, Kit, but I can't remember the name at the moment. I don't do many, just the sort of films that nobody else ever bothers looking at.

Okey dokey jno - here comes Little Big Man now!
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G'Day sheilas..!
I see the lunatics have taken over the asylum suggs.what a bunch off Muppets..!
lovely and sunny ere...hows about where you lives.
catch you later dudes>>(:O)
not so fast hippy...did it slip your mind to tell us that Wooly beach had been invaded by hundreds of women surfers this week? eh?....tut....

<he didn't mention it did he?>

and it feels heavy/stormy here...I wish it would get it over with, might clear my head.
Dull as ditchwater here unlike Woollington on Sea .
Walmington on Sea tonight .....I love it .
If Vinny's not careful ,his name vill also go in ze book.
No rain as yet ..don't want any either with my dodgy roof.I've had Picky clambering about up there this morning with a sealant gun . Fingers crossed or it's buckets at dawn or another hefty roofers bill. If that fails I am moving to Derby where the outside lavs are watertight so I hear :)))
Evening, dawgs. Can anyone tell me the end of Little Big Man? Can anyone tell me if I am ever again in my life going to be able not to fall asleep in front of the teve? If I had my youth back, I'd... I'd... erm... I'd probably sit in front of the teve?

Vinny I smell like a goat and it's your fault. I tried the mint brine halloumi and yes, granted, I can't taste the mint either - just a long line of cypriotic goats and sheep and they're coming out of my pores. Yuk! Or should I say Yak! 'Course, it would depend on the brand and not just the brine, and this was a hand made, pungent kind that didn't agree with me. I swear I can smell my own hair.

If you're going to be stubborn about not getting Wii Fit Robinia perhaps Charlie could be allowed to use the space for his new gym? It's a big machine but you did say you liked big machinery...!

Finally cooler here after weeks of intense heat. There was a bit of thunder and lightning the other week but it didn't make any real difference. But today there's a proper rain and personally I'm liking it. Feeling a bit sorry for the Stockholm Pride visitors though as it will have been raining on their parade today. Teve news yesterday interviewed a transvestite whose outfit was costing him 8500 Euro... However, some quick googling shows that people couldn't wait to get there in spite of the rain.

The broadband supplier recommended me to do one hopefully final scan today and not use the internet at the same time, so bye for now.
Hi Shaney! Bye again!
mmm, I see I should have obtained copyright on the tales of Brokevac, the next thing we know he'll be in some
dodgy company.

Oh there are no worries about the water coming through the lav roofs here shaney, it's coming up the from underneath you need to worry's a bit suspiciously whiffy again today :o(.....not me, it's them lot further along, they can find their own poking bloke

And if you think you've got problems with your dangermouse you should have seen the nut nabber I had this morning...

Ha ha I thought that would be George in a sensational video with Angelina Jolie, Robinia. Did you sell your signed Frida album yet? Now would be the time, what with the movie and everything. Or you could stand outside the museum next summer saying pssst, wanna buy.

Have had two showers and been out in the rain and yes i clean up well even if I do say so myself.

I didn't know what a sealant gun was,Shaney, before I could look it up I was imagining something like a stapler ha ha ha, perhaps you should give that a go - if all else fails!

Oh Vinny there's a green Vinny at Technology.

The Magdalene Sisters on the telly later on - pray for me that I may be able to stay awake... Anyone seen it?
Question Author sister..!
whats cookin..erm..I was watching dads army and we had a power cut....bu66er i'll never know if the gerrys invaded or not..hehe shaney..would you like a sausage....brill. tut..dads lot..!so i shot up to tescos to fetch a few bottles of glenfidich fer xmas...their never see me nick um in the dark..buMfluff..they had there generator on..(:O)
some wallys going round all the topics and posting sh$te.
I dont know...sighs just listening to the Arrow and it makes you remember with all them ole songs things that happened in the past...erm...does anybody remember sticking clingfilm on yer was double glazing but not as we know it jim every house you past had a weird sort off window...erm i know kip.....i cant go up the field smelling off goats..what will dolly(sheep) say hehe..! swear i didnt know there were 200 women on Wooly beach..robiniai didnt tell her..?did i.(:O)play loud (((*_*)))
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bu66er..posted the wrong song yo (:O)
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OI..! Wake up..! taint time to go bed yet....
tut..cant take the pace seee...♫ im parting ing on...its SiXtIeS nightplay very loud (*_*)(*_*)

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