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after watching the news..

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missjef | 14:56 Fri 01st Sep 2006 | Animals & Nature
32 Answers
where there was a bit on a woman who had let her alsation starve and only got a 4 month prison sentence. i was wondering who else out there thinks that animal cruelty should have harsher sentence's, and the sentences should be treated as if the person was being cruel to another human.


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Absolutely agree with you missjef. I actually think that they should have done to them exactly the same as they have done to these poor animals. What always bugs ne is that that animal didn't ask to be brought to their home, they made the choice of owning an animal so why on earth would they harm it. Whenever I read something like this I always cry, it's so unfair and all any animal wants is kindness and to be looked after. String them up... that's what I say!!!!
I certainly agree that the sentences should be harsher.It also infuriates me,that these people ,instead of being banned for life from ever having another pet,are sometimes only banned for a set period of years! If they are cruel enough to behave like that,time will not change them.
DEFINATELY !!!! i could never do anything to hurt any animal !!
I one hundred percent agree with you missjef. We are getting there though.. 20 years ago (not sure of exact time scale ; ) )you wouldnt have been able to prosecute them, or it would have been laughed out of court. People are not only being given sentences but fined and banned from owning animals for a period of time.
Most of the time the punishment does not fit the crime though... it makes me sick!
Four months is way too harsh. Sure, there are quicker ways of killing dogs, but it seems a bit harsh to jail her just for being a bit inefficient.
well jenstar is obviously uncapable of looking after themselves let alone another living creature, especially as animals NEED looking after, they dont get a say in the matter
Dogs are vermin. If you can't even see that, then you don't deserve oxygen.
animals & children are totally dependant on whoever brings them into thier homes, and in my eyes anyone who is cruel , neglects or abuses them needs severely punishing, the courts are way to soft on this subject, especially where animals are concerned, i agree with you missjeff, the law should be allowed to lock these people up and ban them for life keeping any animal, and then check them every month to make sure they never have another animal.
jenstar - please see a psychiatrist, you seem to have a strange problem!
I agree totally, very strongly on this.

It really makes me feel sad when I see or hear this happening. Animals still have feelings, I don't think IMPORTANCE should have anything to do with it.

Poor things :(
I think that any person who has neglected their animal should get a life sentence in jail. I just don't know how anybody could just sit inside while you have a dog clinging to life outside.
i think it should be treated just like that, or maybe with a harsher sentance as animals cannot defend themselves or tell the police who did this to them!

"...animals cannot defend themselves..."

Alsations can.
I am incensed by animal cruelty. Once these "people" are convicted an automatic ban from keeping any animal should be imposed, for life. I also think the courts are far too lenient .
I wonder why the neighbours didn't notice this poor dog's plight ? People should report any suspicions to the RSPCA - straight away, don't wait ! animals can't ask for help....
and Jenstar well, words fail me, what an idiot you sound !
That coming from someone called "dummkopf"!
jenstar I could not say what an arschloch you sound now could I ?? To be honest I'm surprised you picked up so quickly on my 'post name' or is this because you didn't have anything relevant/interesting to say on missjef's post ?
I know from experience what dangerous animals dogs are. I have lost count of how many times I have been attacked by dogs, but I have been "seriously" attacked (by which I mean, attacks that result in permanent scarring) twelve times - attacks that would be classed as Actual Bodily Harm if inflicted by a human being. These were unprovoked attacks - I was minding my own business when some arschloch decided to let their cherished vermin off the lead. Even if I were suffering, say, six times the average rate of attacks (and given the lengths I go to in order to avoid such situations, that's unlikely) there must be over a million similar (ABH-level) attacks every year in the UK alone. And to (literally) add insult to injury, every dog owner involved - EVERY SINGLE ONE - has insisted that their dog is perfectly harmless, even after it's attacked me. Yes, I know the advice that people give (stand stock still, don't move your hands) and I follow it, and in maybe two-thirds of cases that will prevent a serious attack. But the rest? It's about as useful as the "duck and cover" advice that hiding under a table will save you from the H-bomb. Dogs are inherently dangerous - owning a dog is like owning a loaded gun that goes off when *it* wants to. But dog owners have a mindset rather like people who believe the literal truth of the bible and insist that the world was made in seven days and fossils are just there to "test their faith". Dog owners have a blind faith that their animals are perfectly harmless, and constantly, wilfully ignore all evidence to the contrary. People don't seem to have a problem with assuming rats (which have a similar level of intelligence to dogs, but are nowhere near as dangerous) are vermin to be eliminated. Dogs should be regarded the same way.
The moron in the news a while back who threw a cat off a
flat balcony several stories up, 5 times and videoed it, should be thrown off a flat balcony several times himself - punishments being made to fit the crime and all that.
I was sad to read that jenstar has had such a bad time with dogs and it's understandable that he/she feels the way they do - it is very true that there are dangerous dogs and there are also people who should never have an animal which they can't control. However that is not really the issue - you could argue that there are some dangerous people out there - should they also be treated like vermin? Some people can't control their children but that leads to all sorts of arguments! The fact is that if you choose to keep any animal as a pet and it has no way of feeding or protecting itself then you are responsible for that animal's welfare and anyone who deliberately harms an animal should suffer harsher penalties than they do now.
gosh daves mum, you must of been reading my mind! i was just about to post the same thing myself, i do feel for jen, but you have hit the nail on the head (so to speak!) well said.
12 times Jenstar that must be a record......
Of course there are dangerous dogs AND stupid owners but the original post was about animal cruelty and I think that the majority of normal, well adjusted people abhor cruelty to animals and certainly would not think of dogs as 'vermin'

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