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Hot Spot On Dog

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rsvp | 18:12 Wed 22nd Jul 2015 | Animals & Nature
15 Answers
Been very lucky and never, ever had a dog with skin problems - so not much experience with them. New collie was bitten/stung by something last week and has worried the spot with the result he has an area about the size of a couple of 50p pieces which is now a hot spot - have him in a Buster collar now and was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what is safe to use on him. Thought a fucidin type cream if available without precription may work but honestly have no experience with this. Have used Neem oil and aloe vera, put cool packs on and clipped the area. Have bathed it with warm water to clear the debris but feel there's more that needs doing! Woofie seem not to be distressed and leaves the area alone when busy which is most of the day but has had a nibble at night, hence the collar. Any advice appreciated - thanks.


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what does the vet say?
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I don't feel that at the moment it warrants a vet visit - if I did I would have taken him immediately.
you have done what you know how to do and it hasn't worked. the dog is not comfortable, you have never had a dog with skin problems and you don't feel it warrants a visit to the vet?
rsvp, perhaps have a word with your veterinary nurse at the surgery and see what she advises.
Another thought, have you tried Sudocrem?
Try Liverine Unction. If it persists then it may be something else bothering him such as an injury you cannot see. Do you have other dogs as well and if so how does he fit into the pack? Sometimes stress can make them do this, and a lick granuloma can be triggered by not knowing their place in the pack. Its a sort of avoidance mechanism, they make themselves busy licking and hope the rest don't notice them.
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woofgang I didn't post on here to be judged and criticised by you - you have no idea how minor this is so if you can't answer the post without being judgemental I'd appreciate you not replying at all.Where does it say the dog is uncomfortable?
Ladybirder I haven't tried sudocrem but thank you for the suggestion.
I don't think it's stress Lankeela as he appears very happy and relaxed and as I said, it's so minor he doesn't even think about it when he's busy - thank you for the reply and I'll keep an eye on it, I'm certainly not going to let him suffer in any way but I'm not about to whip him off to the vets for a minor thing - it looks very much better this morning so hopefully the neem oil did some good after all. Thank you for the reply
It's very likely he has insect eggs in there and they are acting like a mosquito bite please take him to the vet.
If its tic bite, a dab of vinegar works
Question Author
Don't know what bit him Tamborine - have been over him with a fine tooth comb - there was certainly a lot of wasps and bees around looked- for a sting and didn't find one so more likely a wasp - tis a mystery - anyway, it looks very much better this morning - thanks for the reply.
Ukbod2015 - Are you thinking of maggot flies? It's not that - appreciate the concern but he's almost back to normal this morning.
Pleased to hear he's better this morning rsvp. Thanks for the update. I hope he continues to improve. x
I hope it clears up soon. Best wishes for you and your dog.
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ladybirder and chikispirit - thanks so much for that - he's such a lovely boy - a rescue with a very dark past, shut up for hours, lack of exercise etc and has obviously been shouted at and possible worse. But sooooo loving and everyday he finds something more to enjoy so he's certainly heading in the right direction. He's a (now) very active nine year old with lots of new interests and I'm determined to make up for his lack of love and attention in the past.
Good for you rsvp, you've given this lad a LOVELY home after his rotten start x
In future, rsvp, please just feel free to use a tiny dab of antihistamine cream if he's got bites or an itchy rash. My sister's dog is often covered in itchy spots with a rash. She's had so many tests, to no avail, they are about to give up! Personally, I think she has an allergy to something in the grass here, as apparently she doesn't scratch much when they are at their own house.
You can buy anti-itch preparations without a prescription from I use them a lot for toys and treats, as they are reasonably priced and you don't have to spend much to get free P+P.
Glad to hear he's getting better!
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Thanks Sir Alex - always good to have options - have ordered some stuff Lankeela recommended so will see how that goes - he is still improving. I really didn't want him jabbed with all sorts of things unless it's absolutely necessary - rather keep that for when/he has to have that done.

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