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Snail trail

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b13thy | 17:40 Thu 11th Aug 2005 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I, being of a squemish nature, usually have nothing to do with anything that has more than 4 legs but i was just outside having a ciggie and i saw a snail on the pavement making its way to what i deemed an unsuitable location (ie indoors). I plucked up my courage and picked it up, returning it to the garden. I watched it for a while and it seemed to have a good idea of where it wanted to go - how did it decide where it wanted to be?


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It has always seem to me like bugs, snails, any insect-like things always just run around with no idea where they actually are going...

They seem to just head whichever way they are facing (or perhaps run away from us) without purpose...I guess it's hard for me to think of these critters as being intelligent at all...they are so useless and nasty!

Apparently snails have a 'homing' instinct & will go back to where they were safe.  So it's no good throwing them over into next door's garden because they'll come back again!!  Of course no one would ever do that anyway....would they?

It was probably going in the direction of a juicy plant to chew.
Snails know exactly where they are going and it usually in the direction of my Hostas which are now resembling lace curtains!!

Mine too shaneystar!!  They're rather partial to my favourite blue leaf one!

The swines!!!

Slugs and snails are only food for thrushes and frogs/toads.  They have no earthly use apart from that.  They have no homing instincts apart from hostas, beans and courgettes.  Throw them next door or in your bbq for extra flavour.

My wife hates them and takes great delight in throwing them to the floor (they are no match for her) so they break their shells.  I insist that she then throws them onto the lawn, maybe to eat the cobble stones or to be food for the birds/amphibians.

My mum used to chuck them out of the garden onto the road. Pretty good idea if your road is busy. If it's a quiet road, there's sure to be lots of kids with interesting ideas for experiments with snails ...


Our neighbour's house is rendered and painted white. At night it is absolutely covered with slugs, which spend all night climbing up to the roof. The bad thing is, I don't know where they go once they reach the eaves because they just disappear. I think they go into the attic and multiply. Hey, now we all know where slugs have sex! The moral of the story is ... don't live in a white house!

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