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HAnn521 | 16:30 Thu 11th Aug 2005 | Animals & Nature
17 Answers

As the Animals & Nature category is usually my first stop in AB...lately I have noticed one too many posts about injured kittens!

"my dogs have gotten ahold of my kitten"....."i think my dogs may have killed my kitten"...."my kitten is hurt".....Is this disturbing anyone else?!?

To those of you thinking of having/considering getting or already have brought home a kitten....PLEASE take into account the other pets you already have, consider the pros/cons and really think about whether you should have a kitten in your home!! If it's not a safe place for the kitten to live, then please let it go to a safer/more responsible home instead!



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Hear hear!
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thanks 4 the back-up ursula... I mean it really is getting out of hand isn't it!
I agree HAnn, just read the injured tail one and was disgusted. Some folks should not have pets if they are incapable of looking after them properly.


I could not agree more,young animals should be cared for,not left willy nilly with older(possibly agressive)animals!

It makes me feel SOME people should not keep ANY Pets!

I quite agree.This poor little kitten with a broken tail is most upsetting.I wonder how they would feel if they had to wander around with a broken arm like that.Grrr.It makes me mad.
ditto! i cant believe what i read on here sometimes, i cant believe anyone would be that stupid not to just take the poor kitten to the vet?!!!

It doesn't disturb me. But then I'm not fond of cats.

Ouch! Why is everyone hitting me now?

Fond of cats or not rampart, I'm sure you wouldn't wish any animal harm.

It's the total thoughtlessness which horrifies me most - disregard for the potential problems when the animals are brought home, and disregard for the animals when the problems actually occur - nothing less than neglect.

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Well, I sure am glad to see I am not the only one who would be very upset if something happen to a kitten in my care...

and instead of posting questions on the internet, I'd be rushing it to the vet too...and but then again, I wouldn't bring a fragile, young kitten home that my other pets could harm in the first place!!

HI HAnn521, I have also been concerned about the different injuries and deaths of kittens which has been posted on Animals  & Nature as its one of my first stops in AB. As a cat owner of 3, its does up-set me when I read about these horrific injuries and deaths. I have always put the needs of my cats first! and any sign that any one of them isn't acting its usual self I have him or her down to the vets for check-up its for the welfare of the cat and to put my mind at ease. I most certainly will not come onto a web-site to ask other people if I should take my cat to the vet because its tails broken or whatever other injury, its common sense that you do it without hesitation and have the animal seen to before it suffers any more pain, I call it neglect and people shouldn't be allowed to own animals if they can't look after them or afford vet bills.  "Growl" it makes so cross.

P.S. Did you read that post a while back about this girl who knew someone who was putting "PEGS " on the cats necks to teach them how to behave, I went balistic in my reply, with alot of other ABers.  :-)

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I'm glad I didn't see that post cat woman...As you can see, I already get pretty heated with subjects like this!

and neglectful pet-owners are my biggest outrage!

HAnn- think im worse than you on this one. The more that women replies on her own thread the madder she's making me
Hi HAnn521 and BOO, I bet she wished she'd never put that thread on now, its making me so angry at her blas'e attitude, we have all had some time in our life have had lean times, I have, but there is no excuse for cruelty, which this boils down to. :-) 

hi HAnn hows your pup?

How could you post a question like that anyway,I'd feel ashamed that I was responsible for that sort of thing happening.

surely you would just go to the vet for advice, not your PC

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I lozzz...My baby is doing just fine...and getting more love than she will ever need! ;0)

It is sad about that particular lady's poor kitten, I went back to read the thread even though I was trying not to, and it seems she got upset and even got very rude! It's sad and we just have to hope that the poor little thing will pull through and somehow live a happy life in someone's care....

Completely agree HAnn, we are contemplating a kitten/cat at the moment but are going to opt for something around a year old as I don't want to frighten it (I have 3 young children).  Some people are so careless.
HAnn, i'm not particularly an animal lover and personally don't do cats at all but I too am absolutely appalled that some people think it's ok to get a pet then neglect it.

My parent's dog is the centre of all our lives and we'd all be horrified to think anyone had mistreated him, let alone a member of our family.

Maybe it's time for AB to respond to posts relating to cruelty to animals. Some people just seem to want the attention!

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