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Scylax | 17:00 Fri 24th Nov 2006 | Adverts
32 Answers
Is there anyone else who, like me, bemoans the demise of entertaining, effective adverts on TV, such as those for Hamlet cigars ?
No-one muted the sound, no-one turned them off.
Come back, Hamlet, there was nothing to forgive.


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Hi Scylax

I agree with you, I used to love the P.G Tips Monkeys and those adverts that were like a serial, Gold Blend and the Oxo family, or was that before your time.

Baby jane
lol xxx
Question Author
Before my time, Baby Jane ? Not so, lady.
Hastings, Blenheim, Waterloo and the relief of Mafeking were before my time, but I have good reason to remember the Second World War, and many events before the advent of television.
The Oxo family and the Gold Blend series were winners, I agree, as was the lovely Nanette Newman with her Fairy Liquid.
The first advert for Galaxy chocolate featured a memorably
elegant actress too. Also on my list is the lady who walked out on her boyfriend and discarded all his presents, fur coat, jewellery etc., but kept the keys to the Volkswagen.
Music can be very evocative too (as you know) ; the first manufacturer to use the 'Flower Duet' as a background theme will scoop the pool, whatever he's selling.
Take care, Baby Jane.

Hi Scylax

Thanks for the laugh sweetie that was so funny, and do you know what? the Flower Duet has got to be my all time favourite. Yes the car advert was great, Paula Hamilton wasn' it Do you ever "Shake and VaC"? Could go on and on eh. Nice talking to you, have a nice day. Feel free to chat again.

Baby Jane xx
Baby Jane
Question Author
Ah, Baby Jane, give yourself an A+. You've got me foxed.
'Shake and Vac' ? I can't even begin to think what that might be, though it sounds like the sort of thing I should
try once, and twice if I like it.
I'm an addict of 'Cluewords' in the Daily Telegraph, and don't often find myself baffled, but 'shaking and vacking'
is intriguing. What have I been missing ?

Odd, that.... just when you thought you'd 'done it all,
seen it all, and written the instruction booklet ' along
comes an enigma within a conundrum.

And 'twas Paula Hamilton, the VW lady ? Nice as
ninepence, and twice as expensive.

Re: the 'Flower Duet ', there's no reason why you
should, but believe me, one could make love to voices
like that. I understand that Richard Burton had the same
effect on the fairer sex ? Even for me, his rendition of
'Under Milk Wood ' was admirable.

Incidentally, wasn't there a film called, 'Whatever
Happened to Baby Jane ?' Joan Crawford mayhap ?
No film buff, I last went to the cinema to see,' Schindler's
List'. Before that, it was 'Towering Inferno', at a
drive-in movie in Africa.

Nice talking, BJ. RVSP when you've time. x

Hello Scylax

Enjoyed your answer,was sorry when I got to the end, how nice to be in a drive in movie in Africa (going there for my hols this year ) "Do the shake and vac and put the freshness back" a lady dancing around with a vacuum shaking carpet freshner, its an all time winner on "100 top adverts". I remember the film "Whatever happened to Baby Jane" really good eh? I am, however a massive Rod Stewart fan, (seen him live eight times and off to see Dolly Parton this March )hence Baby Jane although baby I aint!, but its all in good fun isnt it. Looking forward to your reply if
you find the time. Take care sweetie


Baby Jane x x x
Question Author
Aha, the mystery demystified. The 'Shake & Vac' passed
me by. Maybe I was in Rhodesia when it appeared. Long
gone now; Rhodesia, I mean. The UK handed it to a
Marxist, who renamed it Zimbabwe, and turned Paradise
into a hell-hole. Time for all Scylaxes to come home.

Rod Stewart has a female counterpart (voicewise) - name
of Bonnie Tyler, and I can see the attraction. Also Dolly
Parton; a yummy-mummy on a par with Shirley Bassey.
Country Western has long been a favourite. Guess who
played 12-string guitar and sang with a C/W duo ?

Kris Kristofferson will never die as long as there are
dyed-in-the-wool adherents who will sing his songs.

Africa is a big continent - where are you going ?

Sayonara, not-so-baby-Jane. x
Oh yes bonnie Tyler-fantastic. Im an avid C/W fan, Patsy Cline,Willie Nelson,Tammy Wynett, Hank Williams,Keith Urban, at the moment I quite like KT Tuntstall singing "Black horse and a cherry tree". I like Kris but luurve Kenny Rogers. Did you really play guitar and sing in a C/W duo, how brilliant is that? Tell me some of the songs you performed.
I dont like holidays in big cities, usually gone for Tunisia Morroco,etc. What I hanker for is lots of free roaming animals, (meaning those that are not caged,taught tricks and cruelly treat.) African only food (NO MacDonalds! ) no casinos or night clubs ,what a bore I sound. Just lush African land and beautiful scenery.You seem well travelled any suggestions please.

Bye for now Scylax
Baby Jane x x

Question Author
N. Africa ? Uh, uh. Visited Tangier/Marrakech once. Oh
dear. For me, it has to be south of the Equator, and well
away from Nigeria and W. Africa.
Namibia and Botswana are the Africa you describe, esp.
the Kalahari. S. Africa too has vast areas of untouched
magnificence. Tour the Drakensberg by car - it's
C/W music ? Our repetoire was c. 250 songs from music/
lyric sheets, plus almost anything 'by ear'. All CW and
ballads inc. all of Kenny Rogers, Johnny Cash, Neil
Diamond, Roger Whittaker, Willie Nelson et al. Just as
a hobby, but it did earn quite useful pocket-money in the
pubs and clubs of Gloucester, Bristol and Somerset.
It all arose from teaching guitar at evening classes, as
a break from academia.
Travel ? nowadays it's Germany, over and over. Every inch,
N. S. E. and West - touring by car (it used to be by
motorcycle). The language helps, and Bavaria is always
top-of-my-pops. 'Tis a secret; no-one should go there
but me. Roll on Spring?Summer of 2007.
P.S. Joan Baez and Buffy St. Marie, I almost forgot.

The Kalahari could just fill the bill, I will read up about it and get some idea of the cost for next July, thanks. So you taught guitar? bet you sound good too. I agree about your choice of C/W singers, you have very good taste. Touring Germany by motorcycle must have been quite an experience. I take it thats where your heading come the summer, for me it has to be Santorini, a very small island in Corfu, turquoise sea,white sand, hills to amble up and tavernas to cool down in, so quiet and peaceful. Bulgaria and Turkey this year were a change but too many tourists, too many shops. Spain too commercial. My dream is Africa so thats next. Hope to hear from you again.

Baby Jane x
Question Author
All I know (next to nothing) came from reading a novel
by Alistair Maclean, called (surprisingly) 'Santorini'.
published by Collins, 1986. Seems that the island is
today called Thera - or Thira, the remnants of a volcanic explosion 1000s of years ago; apparently the greatest
explosion ever .
For wildlife in the Kalahari, you need to go to Livingstone,
in Zambia (see the Victoria Falls,1 mile S. of the airport)
then S.W. into the Okavango Delta (Botswana). Not too
far, but arrange everthing before you go ; Zambia is a bit
primitive for arranging things. Beware, 'tis hot.
Any other interests ,BJ, apart from CW music, travel and
adverts - what happened to adverts? - that capture your
imagination ? S x
Thanks for the info. Well in addition to which you have mentioned,I love reading,but nothing too heavy. I love Stephen King, Dean Kuntz and Martina Cole. I am well into aerobics, light weight training and swimming. Home decorating and my garden. Not very exciting am I ? I do not like reality tv shows (but love X factor and Im a celeb, sad, sad woman! ) passionate about animals and have managed to see lots in countries I have been to. Oh and I have seven dogs. Plus I work full time for a world wide establishment. Hope theres something in all that we can chat about. Now, how about you, tell me your interests.

lol x x
Question Author
7 dogs, SEVEN ? I'm stunned. But Bravo, BJ..that's
my girl. I have one little mongrel, Border Terrier type
dog, though I don't know which border. Sally is much,
much loved by her daddy-dog, and vice versa, I think.
She was a rescue-dog, bought from the RSPCA,
following gross cruelty and neglect by some
psychopathic former owner. Problems ++ at first, but
now the happiest dog in Christendom..
Work ? Lecturer in Psychology, sort of semi-retired.
Interests include chess, military history, freelance
writing, criminology, guitar, travel and dogs.
Reading tastes are non-fiction, with an enormous
reference library on every subject under the sun.
Your fitness schedule makes me a couch-potato by
comparison, but I used to be a cycling fanatic and an
active caver for some years. I do some gardening,
perforce, and DIY as and when required.
Never had kids, just a succession of dogs, and one cat.
Pet hates include football, politics, chat-shows, soaps,
cheese, parties and fireworks.
There, that's me in a nutshell. The original nut. Sx
How nice of you to have a unwanted dog.Why do people have animals if they do not care for them,or worse still, hurt them,it makes my blood boil. I am often on my soap box about animal cruelty.Sally sounds lovely and I bet she loves you loads.How impressive are you?Psychology WOW. Afraid I dont play chess,or rather dont know how to, travel and dogs are more my forte. Was'nt caveing rather daunting ( in other words scary !) it would frighten the living day lights out of me. Your book collection puts mine to shame,fortunately if I ever need to know something I can always ask you. Seems we have a few things in common any way. Except I love cheese, big fan of Eastenders, but absolutly detest fireworks,should be banned totally as from today after that terrible fire in the factory. Thats me on my soap box again. Chat to soon ok ?

BJ x x
Question Author
It seems I stirred up a nest of hornets re. fireworks
under the heading of News. Have a look.
Caving ? It was fun, in a masochistic way, and almost
addictive. We never, but never, put anyone else at risk.
Cavers have their own Cave Rescue Organisation, and
no-one goes undergroung except experienced cavers.
Chess ? Again addictive, much like Bridge. As a
'bwana' it was almost de rigeur to play Bridge: 12-15
hour sessions were commonplace.
Guessing at your job - does the GNC, ENB, UKCC
mean anything to you? Just a shot in the dark. I see
you in one of the caring professions. Sx
Yes this fire work incident is terrible, should be a total ban now. I still think caving is scary -or is that just a "girly thing" on my part,Im sure you never put any one at risk, as you say you are all experienced, Where you really addressed as "bwana" how very rugged that sounds, all Clark Gable.
You were spot on re my job, infact it was quite uncanny how accurate you were. I cannot give the name as it may divulge who I am as I am well known through my work, (no one famous I hasten to add) as it is world wide. Suffice to say ,yes it is a caring profession, involving all nationalities, mostly of the younger generation. We have a branch in Africa too, as I said we are world wide. We are a Christian group but this includes many faiths, many human needs,faults,and down falls. No one is turned away, or left homeless. I am manager of two branches, a little cog in a big wheel.

Question Author
Little cogs turn big wheels, BJ,and that's better than
being a big shark in a goldfish bowl
I think I have an inkling of your calling. There was (in my day) a CMB as well as GNC. Many students, both Pre-
and Post-Reg, have endured hours of my lectures, poor
souls. Stick to your guns, BJ, I have nothing but
admiration for you and your ilk.
Yes, 'Bwana' was the respectful title, otherwise it was
'Ba'as', or 'Mukwai', in up-country mission stations.
Another item: Psychology may be the main subject I
teach, but it's only one of many I'm happy to dabble in.
Jambo, as they say, Sx
Hi Sx
Yes I think you do know my occupation,and as you will know it is highly confidential hence my reluctance to name it.
All those "far away and romantic" terms of address sound wonderful. Your many abilities and interests, what an amazing life you lead. My work too is very varied,never the same two days running more or less, there are of course the day to day to duties to see to ,then wham, along comes problems and concerns to deal with asap. I think our logo should read " Yes we WILL do it and do it NOW" not our usual heading. Which I know you are aware of.

Nearly Christmas, any plans? have you bought your gifts? Im nearly done shopping (all on line !). Im going to visit family from 23rd back on the 2nd, I will remind you nearer the time incase you write and wonder why I don't answer ( how presumptious am I ?) family not got internet you see.

BJ xx
Question Author
Yes, BJ, on-line shopping is very convenient. Too
convenient sometimes, for folks like me for whom
town-centre shopping is akin to a visit to the dentist.

Confession: I have no religion, so Xmas is not too
special, but can enjoy all religious festivals as excuse
for a pint of lager ,or a brandy and Coke. Diwali,
Ramadan and Passover are all celebrated, without
the need to believe anything in particular. I'll even
knock out a few carols on the guitar, just to show

There is a novel by John Gordon Davis, called
'Hold my hand, I'm dying', published by Doubleday
(I think), 1974 or thereabouts. I read it in Bulawayo
and was stunned - the author had read my diaries
obviously, and it was a shock to read about oneself
with such accuracy. All coincidental, I realise, but
very eerie nonetheless. If you ever come across the
book in your local library.......

Have noted 23 Dec.- 2 Jan. Be good, Sx
Talk about morphing into some one else. You mentioned shopping, I shopped till I dropped testerday AND I had my check up at the dentist AND we had a gent in yesterday to talk about Ramadam (not to me tho!). Spookie or what ?
You know, I sometimes think "religion denotes confusion" but in my line of work it is obligatory so to speak.
Mind you I go along with your idea, half a lager and bacardi and coke is just up my street, plus I love guitar music so play a chorus of "Silent Night for me sweetie and thats you and me sorted for Xmas.
I shall endeavour to hunt out that novel you mentioned, and read about your life!! bye for now BJ x x

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