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Rebekah Brooks

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Gavmacp | 18:12 Tue 15th May 2012 | News
15 Answers
Is it not a bit rich for her to behave like a victim considering the behaviour and tactics her newspaper has used in the past. At least she will have her day in court and not a trial by the newspapers as has happened with her newspaper.


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It was a teo way process. Why are the top politicians not bought to book?
I think the satement she released was almost like a challenge to the CPS, who I daresay will 'bring it on'!
her husband says it was a witch hunt.

Very successful, then - they found one.
wait to see what she has to say for herself. Perhaps she will take a numbers of others down with her if she was to go to prison. Once this can of worms was opened there was no going back.
do we no longer burn witches?
no, Leveson grills them.
Incredible there are some on here who seem to hate Rebekah Brooks, so much so that they are prepared to call her a witch, yet fall shy of calling certain real criminals savages.

With the publicity this case has been given she cannot possibly be given a fair trial.
she is doing her darnedest to make sure she can't, by publicly attacking the prosecution. However, her newspapers have never been shy of whipping up a storm against people on trial, so that's karma for you.

It was her husband who referred to a witch hunt, aog. I expect he has no problem with referring to people he doesn't like as "savages".
I found it particularly touching of her to say..

// I cannot express my anger enough that those closest to me have been dragged into this unfairly //

Oh the irony.
Amazing, I had her down as a witch and her husband agrees with me. How is that for being perceptive(of the bleeding obvious)?
AOG when she was editor of the Sun there were numerous stories of ordinary people being libeled. When they complained they were told to "go away" because they were safe in the fact that ordinary people would be ruined by pursuing it in court.

This woman has powerful friends and lots of money, she ruined a lot of lives, using unlawful methods. Does that not make her a criminal?

As for your witch/savage analagy, when will you stop pursuing your agenda? If it makes you feel better Brookes is a savage and child groomers are witches, happy now.
Is she being called a 'witch' ? The phrase 'witch hunt', of these procedings, certainly does not suggest she is one. But, no doubt, she has bewitching qualities.

The expression 'That's what they all say" comes to mind. Anyone and everyone in the public eye, whose activities have been the subject of wide publicity, makes the claim that are being victimised, it's a witch hunt, that they can never expect a fair trial, that the public have prejudged them on no true evidence and so on and so on. If anything, it may work against her. Protesting too much may be taken as indicating guilt.
I really, really want one story to come out of this - the tale of how she got arrested for beating up Ross Kemp.

Everything else is a 'side dish'.

I personally LOVE Rebekah Brooks (yeah, I've said it).

To me, she's like a real life version of Meryl Streep's character in 'The Devil Wears Prada'.

AOG - if you've not seen this film, I urge you to rent it.

You'll be thanking me until 2015.


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