I've travelled widely in China (off the beaten track) and you can't help but be impressed.
you have to remember China is only 30 years from the cultural revolution and is now only 60 years old after a period which saw the fall of dynastic rule, the overthrow of Sun Yaet Sen, the fall of Yuen Shi Kai (over the 21 demands), the return and death of Sun Yaet Sen followed by Chang Kai Chek, civil war,invasion and more civil war.
China was very busy last century.
There are exemptions to the 2 child rule based on ethnicity etc, you may have to pay a fine (negotiable) or you could go to jail, many people here talk about overpopulation.
Tibet was an awful place when it was a theocracy, don't be fooled into the notion that the people were all happy then they were'nt.
The unpalatable truth is we can learn a lot from the Chinese, they value the old, they value education, they value good health, they value good manners and hard honest work.
One thing I've noticed about China is the huge amount of public spaces everywhere not just parks but exercise equipment and so on.
The people are happy amongst themselves, their children are not as thieving or murderous as ours.
I saw a childs photo album, printed on the inside page were the words "I must do all I can to preserve world peace" all ours wannado is play Grand Theft Auto.