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Have one of those useful little one-burner gas barbeque hobs in its own carrying case which takes a standard size gas cartridge. If I took it to Spain would I be able to buy replacement standard size...
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I have some beautiful Morning Glory flowers climbing up a trellis from seeds I sowed in the spring, believing them to be an annual. However, in another part of the garden when I sowed a few Morning...
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Is it just my digestive system or is beetroot renowned for its laxitive qualities ?
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Am browsing a book on growing fruit & veg from the library, which says black raspberries are quite hardy and often grown in North America.. Am intrigued to know whether these plants can be bought in...
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We have a tall upright freezer with fixed shelves that is crammed full of home grown vegetables, fruit and bulk batches of home cooked meals. The fuller it gets, the more difficult it becomes to use...
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Anybody got a good recipe which they've actually baked themselves, rather than just downloaded from the internet please? Courgette plants are currently in overload !
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My 3 "Mini" cucumber plants have been producing cucumbers faster than we can eat them. I'm picking them when they're 6 inches long when they're at their best and storing them in the salad container in...
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I've been given some almost new ghastly yellow cotton sheets from which I want to strip the colour by bleaching them. Can anybody give me some advice how to do this, either in a washing machine or by...
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Don't laugh ! I've just found a plastic bottle of liquid glue in our garage with the price of 5/6d marked on it. The bottle is three quarters full and still seems to be flowing OK. Is it still likely...
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The road in which we live contains no drains and the downpipes catching water from our roof merely disappear into the ground at the bottom of the house walls (presumably into soakaways) Does this...
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Our waterbill includes a charge for surface and highway drainage & states that if surface water from our property does not drain to their sewers we may be able to claim a reduction of ?17.50 off our...
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Our water bill states that charges include a cost for surface and highway drainage & says that if surface water from our property does not drain to their sewers we may be able to claim a reduction of...
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A US friend has sent me an electronic card for my birthday today via After viewing the card a pop-up box appeared telling me to click on this because I had won a choice of one of...
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I ask because this morning I spotted a spider's thread about four yards in length between my Hills Hoist washing line and some runner bean plants in a border and the beginnings of a web being spun....
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There are 4 houses on our side of a cul-de-sac which have a council owned verge which we householders have all mown & maintained for 25 years. 3 new houses have just been built alongside ours where a...
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Is anybody borrowing money at 0% on their credit card and sticking the sum in a high interest savings account , just paying off the minimum monthly sum until the debt is due for repayment? Is it worth...
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Why are the faces of my clump of giant sunflowers all permanently facing east - away from my back garden window? Most inconsiderate of them not to allow me to enjoy them fully, considering all the...
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Does anybody where it would be possible to hire a gadget for testing whether our elderly microwave is leaking. Don't really want to buy yet another tool which will probably only be used once every ten...

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