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Hi everybody, Brick wall again. 17 across Women's club about to admit British film maker (6) W - - - A - 18 down Very important issue with rock climbing (3-4) - - G - I - E BIG TIME? 24 down...
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Got the workings for 'ostracod' thanks to Quizmonster. The explanation is: OS = outsize + tra(p) + cod. But the clue was: Tiny crustacean and enormous fish caught in net mostly? The opposite. (8) and...
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My usual problem. The answer to 17d is OSTRACOD. Clue was: Tiny crustacean and enormous fish caught in net mostly? The opposite (8) Yes, the Ostracod is a tiny crustacean, but how do you get the...
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14a Bird described by second ornithologist (6) - O - D - R Help please!
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1D Having the enemy in to complete a quartet (4,11) From the letters I already have the answer appears to be ( four dimensional.) Can see the quartet but the enemy in !! Could someone offer an...
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I'm not a moaner or killjoy but all these people who ask for the answers to crosswords must have access to the internet to find their answers, or are they just too lazy and go straight to the...
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39a. One who bunks off with the wind - E - A - T - R The answer must be DEPARTER but why? Is it the name of some kind of wind?

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