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Last one. 56a Not giving way to compassion -n-e-e-t-n-. unrelenting?
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23a Large council area in South west Scotland. (8,3,8) ???F?????????L???A?. I think the first word might be Renfrew
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37a Japanese city on Kyushu (8) ?A?A?A?I 35a to become bone (6) o????? 40a The form of Damien Hursts sculpture For the love of god Thanks...
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Just checking on this one: 5d: Commander (5) I had -u-e- Its my last one and all I can think of is RULER. Does this sound right?...
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Has anyone a spare or unwanted unique number please? the one which should have been in my Sunday Weekend Mag is missing -presume stolen!! By the way, I was awarded a £5 Morrisons voucher about a...

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