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Not so much a Listener Crossword, more a plea for sanity. A neatly put together grid with an eye less to the difficulty of solving than to the transparency of the message. Nothing too difficult here -...
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dr b
Greetings fellow Listenerites, This should be a week free of controversy, I think. A nice solid puzzle, with the three different types of clues keeping things interesting. The two thematic grid...
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dr b
Elementary, indeed. An easily guessed theme as far as resolving the ambiguities is concerned, leading to a very quick grid fill. The most interesting thing about it was checking the statements against...
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A lovely ending! The "19 letters" is quite funny.
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A nice challenge and a clever construction, but as you can see, a quick finish. I'm interested to know whether others see what to do before or after discerning the 10 letter word. Cheers to Pointer,...
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After part of the theme dawned on me half way through filling in the grid, i was thinking we were in for another stale ending. Luckily the ending took a fair amount of decoding, and it was very...
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Though there's another thread on on 4095, and I've contributed to it, this might help get the conversation started, though I suspect not a long one. There really isn't much to this (sorry Llig, and...
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A much bigger challenge, I thought this week, with some very clever plays involved in creating the group members. Lots of lovely pennies dropping all the way through. I'd be interested to see how soon...
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An entertaining puzzle, much less difficult than it might appear at first glance. Thanks, Bufo
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A very pleasant and enjoyable debut by Kevin. Some nice clues and a familiar theme which made me realise how quickly time passes. Possibly suitable for newcomers, but personally, I think that 32D is a...
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Well, thank goodness we have a long weekend. I think I might need that to work out what the blazes the clues mean! I had one theory, but the rubric that all entries are different turned me towards a...
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Ploy gave us a relatively straightforward but interesting grid with "Signal Boxes" and it is the same this week. In fact there is more in the grid than needs to be highlighted. A very...
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This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
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At first the high proportion of short words is a bit daunting - but for the most part the clues are fair, even if in one instance a little vulgarity (in my and Chambers' opinion) creeps in. A good...
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Listener 4081 Double Cross by Radix - Two for the price of one this week. Certainly lives up to its title!
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This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...
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I'm not sure what the protocol is for starting a Listener thread, so I hope nobody minds if I leap in. I thought this was a nice, accesible run around, more an impressive piece of construction than a...
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This was a good mix of lots of different techniques. Progress was steady until a major PDM when I realised what the keywords were. After that it was very straightforward. I was rather uncomfortable...
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I think we have turned a corner in terms of difficulty. Another outstanding grid construction. The lack of unches made the task easier once the quotation was got, but the way it all tied in together...
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I very much enjoyed last years penny dropping moment with playtime, and likewise with this weeks listener, it was very neat how it all came together. No ambiguities although one answer I couldn't find...

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