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hi there, i was wondering whether anyone can help with any advice, i am currently displaying classic signs of pregnancy (sore breats, tiredness, nausea). i have done 2 home pregnancy tests both of...
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hi there, i was just wondering whether anyone can help me. i have done 2 home pregnancy tests both of which were positive then a doctors test came back as inconclusive and has to be re-done, can...
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arrrghhhhhh, my mobile is broken! I have a Nokia 6300 and it wont send texts, keeps freezing and then dying on me! I need my phone, its my lifeline!!!! I am on contract with 3, what happens now? will...
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hi all any advice would be greatly apprecciated, i have just been offered a job with a salary of ?15,000 p/a and was wondering whether or not i will still be entitled to working tax credits. i have a...
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Yesterday (Wednesday 12th March), on hollyoaks, (I think it was some kind of star wars convention, didnt get to watch it all) There was a song playing, does anyone know the name of this song? Thanks
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I have just been prescribed zyban to help stop smoking can anyone tell me if they have used it and if so was there any side effects and how succesful was it many thanks.
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has anyone got any good tips or ideas on how to clean a roller blind many thanks.
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do i need my daughters fathers permission to move abroad when we was never married although his name is on her birth certificate and we never went through the courts over custudy?
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i went to see the corinor after my farther passed away and he mentioned that my farther was given an morphine overdose by hospital and a counter drug to stop the morfine effect. (my farther had kidney...
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does anyone know where i can buy a window cleaner called DOMENA ACTIGLASS AG10
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How long can I keep a new mascara or foundation, if I keep it unopened and in its original wrapping, before I use it ??
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my 2 year old has received a appointment for ent. Can anyone tell me exactly what will be happening. many thanks
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I need to know how to get songs from my computer to my phone. I have bluetooth but i cant connect to anyone. I have no memory card slot. I have no texting. If you can help then please reply!!!
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my son is going to be three on the 29th september is it possible for him to go to nursery this year.

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