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Across 20- english photographer who was a prominent figure in the cultural scene of Swinging london (6) 46- Leaf vegetable in the daisy family , served raw in salads (6) - N - - - - Down 2- Radio...
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59. country in the caribbean with jamaica to the left and the dominican republic to the right (5) H_I_I 60. light sponge baked in a ring shape and covered in glace icing (5,4) _N_E_ /C_K_...
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10.US-born poet who wrote "Macavity's Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw- For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law"(5) 11.Late news inserted in a newspaper after printing has...
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2. Liturgical vestment in the form of a white linen cloth worn around the shoulders by a roman catholic priest during mass (5) A _ I _ E 3. Marvel comics X-Men team member with super power of...
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12.footballer who played for manchester united from 1963-74 (4) _ E _ T 49. the unplanned overspill of an industrialised or urban area into the neighbouring country side (6) S _ _ _ _ _ 54. US grunge...
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42.Style of long and loose sweater also a dish of ground beef cooked in sauce and served in a bun (6,3) _ _ O _ P _ J _ E 43. Austrian zoologist and ornithologist who was co-awarded the 1973 nobel...

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