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Your excuses here... Sorry TW don't mean to kill the spirit...
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How many on this site will own up to being American?
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andy hughes
Incitatus - where have you been?
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Why are Americans so gullible?
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..can you stop yourself or someone else?
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Who will be the next celebrity to be arrested on paedophile charges?
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Does every one know how to play this game?? It's fun and easy...all you do is take your first pets name and add it to your mothers maiden name and this gives you your P0rn star start it off...
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Has anyone read this book? I know it is part of a series, but can anyone tell me if they are sequential, as in do you need to read them in the right order!?
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Was watching MTV and wondered why does Nelly wear a plaster on his face?
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Can anyone help with naming this song it has the lyrics stop talking too loud you'll cause a landslide... Thanks
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Americans march to a certain tune on Independence Day. Played on the flute and drum (NOT Yankee Doodle, but just as popular and well known). The rythm goes TOOTLE-OOT-TOOT-TOOT TOOT-TOOTLE-OOTLE-OOT...
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or umbilical cord? What possession have you owned the longest? and what is it?
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'The man with ten minutes to live was laughing...' Anybody know which book has this as it's opening line?
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who is Tyler Bates and has he a website?
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Boy,feels chilly in here today. So why the US baiting? Play nice please, quite a few 'Yanks' around AB!
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So ok God comes down to visit you and she's pished off at something you done! and she says to you.....You will have to be 2 inches shorter or 2 inches taller.....which would it be and why??????
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Mt father died last year & I did not want to attend the funeral- I need not feel it necessary as I know he knew how how I felt & I am not someone to display my feelings publicily, I went in the end as...
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I'm interested to know which of you are overseas. Simple as that!

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