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Snookered on 1 dn. Immediate forerunner of FA Premiership, say, one lacking boldness (6). M?T?L? - Not 100% about the 'L'.
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7 dn) Sacrifice a bone ??S?A (5). I'd give my right arm for this!!
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19ac.Top barrister almost takes Hector around old French province(8). L?O?N?I?. Last one so help appreciated...
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8 d. Harry set to call in on Draco, perhaps. (13) ?O?S?E???T?O?. I can see CONSTERNATION but cannot fit it to the clue. Any help gratefully received....
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really struggling today, help would be appreciated! 1a Quit publicity houses almost exhausted (4,3) no letters 5a This man could be cover for cover (7) no letters...
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Help please. 14 a) Dishes cooked with sauces? Lots (10) ?A?S???E?S.
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4 down. Clue: Polish right for small flower (5). I have: R?I?E. I thought RHINE for river but can't see the word play. Help please.
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Help please, stuck on a couple. 7 dn. Smacks taking on sailing vessels (11) K???K?B???S. Something Boats? and 20 ac. What's nearly coming from me, perhaps touring desert (3, 5) N?T, ?A???. Any help...
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Can't make a lot of progress with this. Is it me or is it a stinker? Help with 5 dn would be appreciated. 'Chinese bears opening wine? I dropped drink'. S???????E ?L???...
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Help please. Stuck on a couple, one of which is 17 ac. Bio I put out - excellent it is (7). ?O?W??? Thought at first it was anagram of BIO I PUT but I'm confident the 'W' is correct, from 15 dn which...
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24 ac:It can be smoked - cigarette - before water in France (9). R?S?E?EAU. Not certains about the 'S' and assume it ends 'EAU' (French water). Thought this was very hard today. Any help, as usual,...
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help finding it really difficult today! 16a how one gets alternative view from panorama immediately? 2,3,4,2,1,3 no letters to it. 16dstomach's function when eating mushroom 6, ??c???
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Completely stumped on 4 dn; God on holiday in Africa reserving time for old Emperor (3,6). R?S?A?A?I. Help greatly appreciated.
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Help please. Last one foxed me again. 7 dn: Biopic produced in Australia (7). A_A_E_S. I'm sure it's something obvious but I can't see it. All help greatly appreciated....
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Help please. Stuck on 24 ac. Large baking apple with top cut off for dish (6) L_O_E_. Many thanks in advance.
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Foxed by two this week, help please. 2 dn: Censor accepts new verse; V_N_O (5) and 5 dn: Mostly understand every taunt from the audience U_T_A_L (7). If 2dn is VENTO I would love to know what this is!...
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Cannot get going!! 2d m???s???? what's sadly seen in damage on street is a mess(5,4) 12a (10) skin one bear making a fuss .NO LETTERS 20a (10) Carousel inspires one to like exposure NO LETTERS 6d (9)...
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ST 4485 12a Second to last in slower car(5) is it motor but cannot see why 14d side containing right subs excited a supporter (5,4) t?u?s ?e?? 23a Writing about soldier taking blame for snapping...
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Once again confounded by one clue, any help very grateffully received. 27 ac. Sadly abstain when entertaining bright Protestant. A_A_A_T__T....
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Help/Confirmation please. 22ac: Winner manages to hold in staomach (5,3), I_N_E_R,_A_. INNER MAN would fit (Hidden) but a) I can't believe it's that simple and b) I can't see a connection to the clue....

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