All the answers end in 'IC' - Distressing, emotionally disturbing (9) A person filled with excessive enthusiasm for something (7) Odd or capricious in behaviour or appearance (9) Thanks in... ...
Heavy metal tool in the place of employment (4 words) It's hard between the lobes without experience perhaps? (4 words) I'm assuming wet behind the ears or wet between the ears but don't know... ...
All the answers are idioms i.e.Restrain the quadrupeds (3 words) = Hold the horses. Can anyone help with: Put logs in the grate (5 words) You Lee and no peckers, will stay out of trouble,... ...
All the answers are idioms i.e Pouring pets = raining cats and dogs. I'm stuck on this one : Tops in two planets (4 words) any ideas would be great. Thanks in advance!
11a Unlimited element true of trees (8) A?R?R?A? 2d Surroundings of vitamin during worrying menace (8) ?M?I?N?E 5 d Stab Bond actor informally (6) ?I?R?E Thanks in advance
The answers are Superheroes. The hat shelf, is not for the surface cleaner, perhaps? (2 words) The team leader is a wonderful thing (1 word)
Thanks in advance...
141 down Boundary markers (4) ???S 145 across Practicable (8) ???S?B?E The second letter of each clue is the same letter (i.e. the answers cross, if you see what I mean!)
Thanks in advance...