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I'm growing some from seed,and instructions say to nip off third set of leaves to encourage bushiness, I'm a bit wary of doing so, should I be? Thanks,( new to growing these)
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I wish to copy Documents from my laptop (running Windows 8.1) to a 16Gb OTG USB flash drive in order to temporarily connect it to my Windows 8 phone. I have the documents stored on the flash drive ok...
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I have some tomato plants that are only just in flower (I had some seedlings growing in my compost) shall I bring them inside now to achieve any hope of fruit or abandon the idea and confine them to...
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It has been whispered in my shell like that you can over water tomatoes is this true Answerbankers With thanks Rick...
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I dried some shop-bought chilis last year, and planted the seeds. The plants look great , and there are loads of fruit on them, but they're pretty well heat at all! Would I have done...
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About 2-3 weeks ago I noticed my plants had already started producing runners(well before fruiting). I snipped off these presuming that the crop would not be as great if I didn't. The plants are...
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hi to all and l presume a few must know me and my troubles with my laptop, ok here goes after taking everyones advice and getting a antivirus plus all the extra's ie, well if anything my...

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