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The links i get in my email when i get an answer are not working. How can i fix this?
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Is Nero generally regarded as the best burning software? Are there better ones?
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Iv got 1Gb ram, 2.8P4 and nvidia FX5700 Ultra. Which is more powerful, my PC or a PS2? By how much?
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I made a DVD full of mp3's that i ripped to my computer. One disk i made is fine. But the other one i burnt took ages to copy back to my hard drive. It did it in the end, but took over 60 minutes, so...
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I have no idea what to do - the "my computer" and calculator box opens on its own at random intervals! Also, my system shut down all of a sudden twice as well. I have checked for viruses and spyware...
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What is the best modern winamp skin, taking looks and functionality into account? I fancy a change from the standard modern skin.
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I have a wireless keyboard and mouse package. The mouse is fine, but every now and then, it interferes with the keyboard and stops it working. If i move the mouse away from the KB, its fine for a...
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I am looking to get a mortgage in the next few years or so, and am reluctant to do so. The problem is is that my other half has a very bad credit score. There are Default notices, but no CCJ's, and...
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Hi all - I have done a full virus and spyware scan, and have found nothing. The problem i am having is that the windows calculator and "my computer" seem to be opening randomly. Earlier, i was on my...
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In my system tray, i have the little TV sceen when i am connected. Is there a way i can have this flashing icon on the desktop instea\d?
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What is best to learn? Visual C++, Visual or Visual C#? Is there any difference in speed / performance? Why?
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What is the longest word in the English language?
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When copying text from another source, ie a website / doument or anything for that matter, when i go to paste it into a new email, it never works. I just get what looks like the recycle bin in the...
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I have a basic remote control with my TV card for th computer. Where can i get a program that will allow me to use the remote to control winamp or other programs? At the moment it only controls the TV...
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How are the id3 tags stored in an mp3? Byte arrays or strings? How would i read these tags in VB.NET?
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What is the difference between SQL and Microsoft Access? Are they both database applications?
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When i double click on the Powerdvd 6 icon on the desktop, the hourglass cursor pop up, and then nothing happens, as if i never clicked it! I uninstalled it and tried Versioin 5 which is fine, tho....
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How you install extra planes in this game that dont have installers?
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Further to my question below, can i import a folder (on my desktop) that contains about 600 emails into Outlook? This is baffling me!!!

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