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12a. Hoo-they,re taxing this drink too? (5) ?A?E? I have LAGER but is it ok ? thanks in advance....
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25a they,re ever so repetitive and boring (6) ???l?s. thanks...
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14d. Prestigious motor races ( 6 4) G???D? P?I?
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8 across Sound of a river embankment taking its toll (4letters) ?e?? 2down How the supreme Roman god might have self-exclaimed (2words of (2letters and 4letters) ?? ?o?e Thanks everyone
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2D. Tension that will run in the family. (6) ?T?A?? and 12a. One can be made to be part of the act. (5) ?C??? thanks in advance....
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27a In a word it is part thereof (8) S??????? 16d (4 2 4 ) 10a Every mans rage is out for them -like many young men of 20? (8) ?A???E?? thanks in advance....
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19d. Magnificient 7 dealt with them baddies on the silver screen. (8) R???K?N? 20a. Familiar with the author of the Secret Five? (4) ?N?? thanks in advance...
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18a, How a person might begin a singulary small business ( 5 3 4 3 ) and 1d. Tut, on losing the head, cotton on somehow how not to lose the head. (5 2 3 ) thanks in advance....
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25a.Gone beyond global knowledge? (4 2) ???T ?T and How dracula's desciples might be neither this way nor that.? (6) ?N?E?? thanks in advance.
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19d. it can be worked up --- especially after a work out. 27a. at 49 loves becomes flighty thanks again
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6d. ...when staff do nothing about such a stalemate. (8) ???N???? 5d. It will divide a country (9) ???T?????
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3d. Some craft on the river (5) ?F?O?
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Our dahlias are in full bloom but the problem is they seem to attract loads of bees which we definately dont want. Are Dahlias among the top flowers that attract bees? If so, then it looks like i will...
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16d. One not on a contract- like a medieval mercenary knight? (10) ??e???n???
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14 less 50- thats plentiful. (4) R?F?. I think its RIFE but can anyone explain why.
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Lively or laconic wit, mate. (4) ?a?t and But this must have been THE KING'S hottest hit! (5) ?E?E?
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OK coming back after such a blow? (8) It's Polaris that Thor rants about. (5 4)
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Friday" declared Crusoe. "Sounds like it's over the feeble. 3 3 2 3 4

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