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Clothes moths seem to have evolved to live in on clothes in cupboards, closets and wardrobes. If these moths are so specific why are there no clothes moth spiders to prey on them?
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When you bounce on a spacehopper where does all the energy go?
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He was a true hero. But was there any truth in the 'Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky!' legend?
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For example, the air in your car is too hot when you get in car due to the greenhouse effect. Is there a device that converts that hot air into useable energy?
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Need a 'What Are You Listening To Now' page
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Pub argument Constitutionaly, can the queen ever be charged with a criminal offence?...
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If parents get their babies ears pierced is this child abuse?
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Was driving into town today and the roadworks festival has started. Gurr!!! It's a two lane road (two lanes each direction, separated by a grass verge), the inside lane being an all-day bus lane. The...
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Did any member of the British Royal Family ever see active service against the Germans in WW1 or WW2?
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Suppose someone invented a device that could translate human speech and dolphin clicks so both could talk to and understand each other. The human and dolphin worlds have got very little in common, so...
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Why did God give Moses only 10 Commandements? If homosexuality is a bad thing, why isn't it mentioned in the Commandments?
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There's a roads campaigner who help motorists challenge speeding and ****** fines. He quotes legislation that dictates the width, angle and spacing of various road markings. Is there anywhere (on the...
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Being a bloke, I've never understood why women can be so fashion conscious - and yet leave the price sticker on the soles of ther shoes. Why do women - who spend ages on co-ordinating outfits,...
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Where do the microwaves go when you open the door of the microwave oven?
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Phoned BT this morning. Spent ages in a queue waiting to speak to a human being and suffered their godawful muzak. Do companies deliberately choose terrible music so callers will give up waiting? Are...
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My fat, lazy tomcat gets very constipated. It get very painful and he can't poop. We're off to the vets tomorrow to get him cleaned out, again. He eats food pouches, never drinks water and gets...
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What do continuity announcers do when they're not linking between programmes?
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I must be getting old. I remember when bananas were yellow. Why are all the bananas in supermarkets green?

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