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In tandem with AOG's Question about the appropriateness of showing the pictures of Ghadaffi in all the national papers, India Knight made a similar point, using the example of that poor tot who was...
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My husband told me that he had seen a deeply distressing news story recently. Footage shows a 2 year old girl with her teddy bear walking alone on a busy road, shortly afterwards she is hit by a van...
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On top of my bickering rabbit problems I'm having to deal with my old dog too and it'd getting really sad. I would like some advice as to what I should be expecting of his life now and making those...
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simple question, im up for arguments so come on, (only friendly arguments) :)
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There will be 2 sightings tonight first one is at 7 23 for 3 mins SSW departing SE Next one is at 8 58 PM but only for 1 MINUTE WSW departing WSW....
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Some of you might remember that I had two girl rabbits about two months ago. They have been the best of friend and very loving towards each other until yesterday when out of the blue one of them...
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Why is it that I can't find a copy on HMV (apparently they'll tell me when it is released) and why are the copies on amazon all around £35?? Hmmm???...
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Does anyone think that some people are too obsessed in thinking about their investments for their retirement? By all means have a modest pension plan but for some people it's all they think about,...
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He says he's breaking up with me 'because he wants to spend more time with his mates' Has he just gone off me? We've been together a year and I thought we were really happy... which is why I'm so...
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My Grandad's going in for a full body scan this week after preliminary tests showed that he might have a tumour in his bowel. As you might expect he's been told not to run and now can't join me in the...
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i am wanting to send a letter to my husbands floozy as was, telling her that we are now very happy with a little boy etc. i dont know her new address so will send it to her parents address. i really...
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My hubby has been saying for years how much he loves Peanut butter M&M's but you can't get them here, so I have ordered them from American Soda, who ship over! It's only part of his present, but I... ...
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mata hati
I saw an ad. on tv for a programme about this conspiracy theory, but cannot find out when it will be broadcast or on which side. Can anyone enlighten me please?
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he's making it snow over on pinkypie's thread about Christmas... I have told him we have rain here, I may get a bucket of water thrown at me now :-)))...
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I am now the proud owner of two Fuzzy lop ear rabbits and they are absolutely beautiful. They are settling in just fine and haven't stopped eating, drinking and grooming each other.They are not...
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Hi all, while I was on my hols I lived in a Gite in France and was given a bottle of 'liquid' dishwasher cleaning agent instead of tabs for the dishwasher. I've never seen it here in Britain as they...
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Yesterday we were both very drunk and we kissed and he kept hugging me and holding my hand etc and he told me he missed me and loved me etc but he was very drunk and when we were together before he...
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Watched an Elvis tribute act last night, I ended up having a £20 bet on his most well known song. I'll not say (Yet) what I have my money on, but which ever song gets the most mentions on here...
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Hubby hasn't quite put the finishing touches to the hutch, so before he does, do same sex rabbits need their own sleeping quarters or do they huddle up??? (both from same litter) We have room to make...
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I think it's that you'll never know if you were right, you'll only know if you were wrong.

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