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15 down Numbers about a musical movie's handsome prince,on screen initially(8)  C?A?S?N?
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Cheerful musical without end (5) H?P?Y Has to be happy but why ?
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21 across Historian caught in fraud heading to Ashmolean (6) ?C?A?A Last one thanks
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15 across -Paradise Lost ,sad for some sides (6) S-L-D- Thanks
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12 across Uncivilized romantic lead with scar cut a dash (7) H-A-H-N I am sure it must be Heathen but why  ?
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2d Appears to surprise solicitor at first in court (5,2) R_C_S _P And can you explain please!...
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One establishing order has the same taxi dropping sailor off ( 7)
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25 across Dash from Channel moving east to west (4) It looks like elan but I cant see why...
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4 down Model type Kate perhaps gets out of head being (5) T?H?W Keep thinking model T and Kate being Shrew but then Threw and being doesnt make sense...
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1 across It was easy to secure a royal home for humble parents (5,3,6) ?T?E? A?D? ?R???T Thank you !...
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12 across A change of mind or variation (6) N?M?O? (NIMROD ? and if so why? ) 13 across Scrounger fed by a tik tok creator (4) ?A?M...
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16 down Robert - historically English - enthralled by leader (7)
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Seem to have answers but not sure how they work ! 53across Chords urge to follow piano in endless songs (9) A?P?G?I?S Thinking arpeggios but dont seethe "endless songs " 38down Stress a lot of US cash...
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5 down In Italy , one embraced by devious macho Shakespearean seducer evidently (7) I???I?O 10across They make clots drive in rollers in Barnet (8) ?? R?L???...
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10 across End in sight in vegan fresh fruit harvest (8) V?N?A?G? 12 down See gossip rejected in this poem ending in pleasant dreams (11) T?A?A?O???S...
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24 across Beast drops university to take on a family of writers (6) Can you explain why it is Bronte please ? I have been trying to think of a beast take out the "u" and add "a"...
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Simple crook mostly detained by Pan (6) F?C?L? Maybe facile ? But why ? 14 across Padre on TV broadcast is one giving support to a writer (9) ?A?E?P ?R?...
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16across Possibly Camus's story on an old colonial territory (6) ?O?L?E 27 across A style of medieval poetry produces a pause, at the heart of a clause (7,5) ?E?N?N? R?Y?E I see the answer is leonine...
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3 down Can its energy start to fire up a period of celebration (8) F?S?I?A? Has to be festival but why ? 26 across Beast you can see in Pennsylvania briefly (5) P?N?A PANDA? Thanks...
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Last one nad I just can't see it 22 down G?A?T Two different soldiers producing oil coloured work I feel it has to be GIANT as GI plus Ant but why is that an oil coloured work please ?...

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