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Mrs G

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jack daniels
I love watching the birds feeding/visiting my garden but where I use to see blue tits, I haven't seen one for ages - where have they gone? Thanks in advance
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Mrs G
The Texas Embassy Cantina in London used to serve a cocktail called an Amber Jack. I know that two of the ingredients were Jack Daniels and Sweet ? Sour mix (+ possibly grenadine). Anyone out there...
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I used to love these but they seemed to have stopped making them. However I saw them in a shop the other day so bought a few. Hopefully they have started making them again ! yummy<i/>
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Sam the Man
Last weekend my human came home from a shopping trip with two things for me. There was a new carrier which frankly has me worried as those things usually mean a trip to the vet and the other thing was...
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Does anyone have a cat who likes to chew through wires (even when they're plugged in)? I have a cat who does this! Doesn't seem to have suffered any electrical shocks (surprisingly) but can seek out...
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I took on a cat that was going to be destroyed, she is very nice natured but since i have had her (5 months) she does not like going outside, she is not very active at all and has piled on loads of...
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I've been trying to get through to Virgin Media on the phone to cancel my phone-TV-broadband package & it is impossible to get through. I actually timed myself today & was on hold for 26 minutes...
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ok, so my fave quickie meal is sausage sandwich with fried onions with bbq sauce. I also fry the sausages. can anyone suggest a quick easy way to make it any better without taking away anything or how...
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Dee Sa
I have returned from US holiday and have a mild form of shingles over one eye[ went to Moorfields and got it checked out],only three small spots and have been given anti inflamitory type tabletsby...
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I am putting a charity quiz together based on fictional bars pubs and cafes in Books, Movies and TV I have compiled about 20 so far- can you think of any? eg- bobs country bunker- blues brothers...
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For the ultimate reality TV show why can't we have a program that allows the public to vote for 15 'celebs' then every friday night at prime time the top 10 are made to stand in a skip, have petrol...
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Name a movie that's reduced you to tears?
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Who was the jewel thief in the pink panther
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What's the best way to stop your nose from making the annoying whistling noise when you're falling asleep at night?

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