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Morty Vicar

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and has anybody got there toe stuck in the bath tap like I did a while ago oh god how embarasinng Lets call these to let it out.
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my grandmother recently died but she died without a will. previously before she died,she recently took out a loan on the house. the original deed states the house is left to me and my younger siblings...
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i wanna take this opportunity to apologise for accusing you of being bogeyman . its now become clear its actually naz nnomad from the fake cahtterbank. in his guises as chattabonk , marvelman ,...
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what is the legal position for the partner in a relationship when he dies leaving no will, do i have any claim on the estate. I have lived with him for 18 years and nursed him while he had cancer, the...
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My mother recently died, I'm not sure if she had a will but I do know my brother is the executor and had his name on her bank account. My mom told me she was sure he would do the right thing by me and...
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What are the chances of succesefully challenging a will on the grounds of undue influence or unsound mind . What supporting evidence etc would you need
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When a sole executor renounces who should the solicitor who holds the Will release it to?
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A near relative has died. As the person named in her will as the executor, do I need to apply for probate? The deceased has no property, apart from a very few household goods, and no savings. The will...
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Who here regularly gives blood? If not, why not? (no accusatory tone meant before anyone takes offence). We are in the middle of a national shortage. If you dont give blood, is there anything that...
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If you have been granted legal aid can you pay extra to get a good Barrister for a Crown Court case?
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Hello My mother gifted her house to my brother and myself a few years ago now. My mother has now gone into a care home and the house is standing empty due to a long runing argument I dont speak to my...
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Can a named executor sign as a witness on a will ?
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barbara emma
way to avoid it
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I was driving in a 70mph-limit dual carriage-way today, in the left-hand lane. I fear that, foolishly, I was over 70mph. I approached a lay-by where a single-level bus was parked/waiting at a...

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