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My husband won't believe me when I tell him he shouldn't store open tins of food in the fridge because I can't give him a reason.  I just know that my Mum said you shouldn't but can anyone give...
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I went to the dentist last week and had a filling done behind an upper front tooth. There never was any pain there, he just filled it to prebvent the cavity getting any worse. Problem is that since...
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Where have all the song thrushes gone?  Have they just dwindled or moved to different areas - gone south maybe? I live in Derbyshire, have a chemical-free not too tidy garden, hedges...
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I just read in Time magazine that the engine of Trabant cars has only 5 moving parts. What are they?  
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Lindy Loo
I hate to be a kill joy, but are there a few too many 'chat' threads on here lately?   I enjoy a good laugh and have in the past joined in with some of them, but there were also stern comments...
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I just caught the back end of a report on the radio about the Jaguar formula 1 team being bought out. Was this correct, and if so, who is the buyer?
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What exactly is THC? Where does it come from? Is it man-made or natural? How does it get you stoned?
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It's my mum's 60th birthday in a short while. I have been struggling to find what to get her, and can't decide. Have you got any idea ? She is very active, loves sailing and is not very much into...
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do slugs explode of you put salt on them?
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Is it true that smoking the stalks from skunk will make you impotent? My boyfriend keeps telling me he wont touch those coz of that but i dont know if i believe him! What, if any are the effects on...
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If  I owned a "Cinema"-themed restaurant, my set menu would be:-Duck Soup- - -Jurassic Pork- - - CassatablancaWhat should I put on my  A La Carte?
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How do you plumb in a washing machine? My boyfriend was less than helpful when I asked him & didn't offer to do it, so I'm determined to do it myself! I have to remove the old one, so do I ... 1. turn...
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If  I owned a "Cinema"-themed restaurant, my set menu would be:-Duck Soup- - -Jurassic Pork- - - CassatablancaWhat should I put on my  A La Carte?
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The 'new' series of The Simpsons on CH4. Is it just me or do these look like old ones? I thought this was meant to be a new series (to terrestrial TV) that had only recently been on Sky. The ones...
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We've all been caught without anything in the fridge, and had to improvise, so what is the most desperate meal you've ever made yourself?
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Surely SOMEBODY out there must know why a pork pie is called a growler????
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are steriods forbidden for muslims?
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ok, seeing as you didn't get what i was trying to say before, it was kind of a muddle so i get what you were all saying, but anyway, Ok this guy and me been together for like 6months, he goes on...
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When talking about the situation in Iraq and the Blackwatch etc, what is meant by the term 'insurgents'?
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Somewhere in the madness which recently erupted over the Beckham / God thing, there seems to have been some confusion? Though I started out by simply backing georgit79's opinion of their being no god,...

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