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monkey hange

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monkey hange
-b-e-s -a-t
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monkey hange
Stomach openings which pass digested food to the duodenum. my lletters p-l-r- thank you one and all....
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monkey hange
21d Only word in our language pronounced the same even if the last four letters are removed....
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monkey hange
14c - - t - - Having a particular key unlke some of works of 22...
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monkey hange
16c Birthmarks or pigment spots 22d Combining form denoting rotten or decaying matter 36c A member of a tropical genus of gastropods 27d A genus of the buttercup family Thank you to one and all for...
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monkey hange
15c letters i have in ( - d-i-e 41c letters i have in ( -r-a--- ) 36d letters i have in ( i-s-- ) Thank you to all....
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monkey hange
19a private conversation T-T- A -E-E...
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velar nasal consonants 'ng' sounds in speech (Thanks in advance)
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billy bear
Could someone please help with 12d which is artistic term describing something constructed from a diverse range of things. I have got ?r?c?l?g?. Many thanks....
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monkey hange
7a Suggestive of living an island ( -n-u-a- )
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monkey hange
20a Plant such as the perennial commom ------ with a tough woody stem my letter in are ( r-s-h-r-ow )....
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monkey hange
14d, Accustomed to taking little exeercise, my letters in are, -e--n--r-
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monkey hange
A form of Epilepsy ( -r-n- m-l ) 12a
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monkey hange
( 14d ) Brief reports, official statements. -u--c--n- 9 letters
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protein active in muscular contraction ?c?i?
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monkey hange
rutaceous shrub such as the prickle ash
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monkey hange
Mature insect post-metamorphosis 37d I-a-o

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