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16a popular MMORPG massively multiplayer online role-playing game 8 letters. i'm not into online games
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32a standing committee in the former soviet system 10 letters. i thought it was politburo but wont fit in...
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42a surrey village mentioned in the war of the worlds 7 letters. i thought it was pyrford but wont fit in with 27 d
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15a George, american polling pioneer whose organisation still bears his name 6 letters
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has anybody got a spare number for the Sunday mail rewards club I missed it this week
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is anybody else having problems with the site today mine keeps coming up oops and then takes ages to go back to previous page, getting fed up with it
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as found on a car or a bicycle 6 letters -h-e-r
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held in high regard 7 letters -d-i-l-
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what was the music that Scot and Natialie were dancing to on strickly come dancing last night 23/10/10 its driving me mad trying to remember. Thanks
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28 across stomach openings which pass digested food to the duodenum 6 letters
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of an argument, personal rather than objective 2&7 -d -o-i-e- thanks in advance
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I think i must have 15 a wrong as i cant seem to fit in what i found for 12a thanks in advance
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traffic control measure also called a sleeping policeman speed hump or bump I'm not sure which it is
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Hi everybody, I seem to be missing some of the passwords for the french house comp, does anybody have the full set so that i can enter online please. Thanks
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I have finally added my picture, thank-you to everyone for telling me how to do it. Simmples when you know how
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i'm sure i must know this but my brain is fuddled, 3 down bones of the ankles and heels collectively, 5 letters i have t-r-i, can you help please....
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which U2 album was the first to be released on CD. rattle and hum, war or joshua tree
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31a a bet for four or more horses to win in seperate races. 6 letters ?a?k?e.
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what weren't worn in hawaii until the 1870's sandles, earrings or grass skirts...
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36a ericaceous shrub also called tree heath...

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