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11d concerning, about (2 7 ) A ? / ? ? ? ? ? ? S 14a genuine statement of things (5) ? ? ? T ? 22a strengthening of devices (13) ? ? ? ? I ? I ? ? ? I ? N 13d projecting part (8) ? V ? ? ? ? ? G 16d...
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1a) Small group of important decision makers (5,6) ???i? c?f??? 9a) Act of breathing new life into a person or idea (13) r???s?i?c???n...
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Pick Me Up Magazine - Issue 3 -Puzzle 9 Can you help me please 22 across - Mean, Imply - (9) ??n?t? 22 down - - Upset (plans) (6) - ??r?i? I would appreciate your help please, regards from jodal...
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11 down skilled worker who applies a coating to walls . P???t?r?r 14 across forward cheeky . ???c?
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Having difficulty with my last clue any help appreciated 6d Broad-ranging (cutbacks) (9) s?i???i?g...
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Pick Me Up Magazine - Issue 45 -Puzzle 9 I am really stuck this week, can you help me please 1 down - Less-than-noble main character (8) ?n?i???o 12 across - Imaginary place of nostalgia -(6,4) ???o?y...
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Morning, looking for 9A (4,9) destructive chemical compound ??g? ??p???i?e Also 3D (8) failed to observe b???c??? Thanx...
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Is anyone else having problems entering the answers on line.Thanks for any feed back.
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Pick Me Up Magazine - Issue 39 - Puzzle 9 Can you help me please 4 down - Composition of literary works (8,7) ?r?a?i?e ?r?t?n? 21 down -beguile - (6) d?l?r? 22 across - achievement - (4) ?e??? Regards...
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Help needed on this clues. any help greatly appreciated 10a Person with long experience or standing (3-5) g?d ?i?e? TIA...
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Any help with these please: 8 across. Dejection. 14 letters 10 across.Extreme attention to detail. 10 letters. 21 across: Passed down: 10 letters Thanks...
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I'm stuck on the last one: 17D: Remote(7) ?A?A?A?...
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Can't get this last one 7d most unfavourable (5) -o-s-...
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Cryptic 5A (6) covering article in crib c?n?h? Eas6 21D (e) Cut down ?e?n - is it wean Thanks...
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Any help with these please: 9 Down: belittling. 11 letters. I don't have any at present 2 down: close airless feeling: 10 letters 15 across: Quantity. 11 letters Thanks...
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Pick Me Up Magazine - Issue28, Puzzle10 Can you help me please 9 across - Measure of atmospheric condition - (3,7) - a?r ?u?l?t? I would be grateful for your help. regards jodal...
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9a - capability of producing the desired result. (13) 22a - Simplistic and clichéd. (image) (13) 11d - Display Item (9) Thanks for any Help...
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Any help with these please: 1 across: Assimilate ideas: 4.2.5. T?????????? 5 down consummate skill: 8. 26 across: CD's launch time. 7 & 4 R?????????? Thanks...
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11 across Desperate request from pale sort 4 ??e?
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Help please . 1/ Participant in a story or event (11 ) ? R ? T ? ? ? N ? ? ? 6D/ dullest , most inactive ( 9 ) ? ? ? E ? ? ? ? ? T Thank you,...

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