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9(a) Golfers, young and old (7) _ _ _ _ N _ R 10(a) Without a paddle (7) U _ O _ R _ _ 4(d) Sounds like an air in Newcastle (4) T _ _ _ 7(d) Cars for crossing rivers (5) _ _ _ _ S...
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Q12. In sheep, what is the pregnancy disease toxaemia better known as? Q93. What is the name of the Irish-bred grey mare ridden by Capt David O'Brien of the Army Equitation School?...
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26(d) 6 of the beast, namely! (7) R _ D _ L _ H Last one - any help appreciated......
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19(a) Tree native to New Zealand (5) N _ A _ O 26(a) 20th century motor-cycle and motorcar designer born in Hillsborough. (3,10) R _ X _ C _ A _ D _ E _ S. 31(a) Two horses moving about in pain.(7) N...
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3a Famous horse race - or the race it chews, perhaps. (11) C _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ H. 5d "Little afterthought", one cries.(5) _ _ E _ S. 6d Find the builder's tool right in the dryer. (6) _ _ O _ E _.
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Have an intense loathing for a user joining Cable News Network. (7) S _ _ N _ E _ Last one & any help greatly appreciated.
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Have an intense loathing for a user joining Cable News Network. (7) S _ _ N _ E _ Last one & any help greatly appreciated.

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