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Meaningful P.O.A.(11)...
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this question is for quizmonkey / all answers are towns cities and counties quiz question is calligraphy with an H 7 letters...
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20. Working out on spider trap? 13. Court 500 cutting and shaping. 52. Like old Sci Fi movie takes nothing to my heavenly bodies. 55. The French church goes to Boer siege without iron. 82. Dad then...
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6d connoisseur of tapestry, like the lord of wem[7&5] 14a more then serious on the other side [6.3.5] 11d conan doyle initially, for example, gets in plenty for breakfast [5.3.4] 24a boat coming...
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Just two left, now struggling! Can anyone help please? 65. Male for a day (3,6) 93. Lights the days (6,6) Thanks....
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Measures the quickness of the bowlers(11) - S????o?e?e? This is the last one and is driving me mad. Help!!!! Thanks thanks for any assistance.
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D - A - O - I -
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Can anyone help me with these please? 1 OO 2 AALLL 3 XQQQMON 4 _ _ avi _ _ 5 i.e. Lizard Many thanks...
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Can anyone help with the following dingbat. "O O"...
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That was meant to be be Remainder underlined above UR. My machine appears to have gone walkabout. Reminder ------------ UR...
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Steven Ireland. Alan Brazil , Jason Scotland , Mike England , Matt Holland Joe Jordan,, Gary Wales Ryan France - all players with country surnames but how many football players past/present have a...
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first of all i must say a very big thank you to everyone who has helped me with quizes i couldnt do so without your help its a a bit early but merry christmas to you all...
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I'm desperate for help with the following clues. 28 questions in the quiz and I've only managed 15 so far. Completely stumped now. 1. a jazz band insturment found beside a moor 2. a base in...
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Hi,Im doing a Fireside quiz on tv programmes and im stuck on 3 questions here they are: 'Brazen' 1 word 9 letters 'You will find soldiers here' 1 word 9 letters 'A large scene' 1 word8 letters ....
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stone tired horse.............?A?E
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Within the capital city of which island can you find 3.14159265. (Otherwise known as Pi)?
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Can anyone help me with these please? American roots music (9 letters) Winner without humour (7 letters) Ilex wine (9 letters) and Opposite tastes (11 letters) Thanks in advance.
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52) ORILY (2,9,1,4,3) 57)BOBAC (6,2,6,3,5) 30)ONA(2,2,7) has anyone got an answer for no 35 (HML, 3,4,3) yet, or are you still holding out for the fact it might be a misprint and should read 5,4,3,...

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