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This may well have been asked before. Sorry, if it has... I have unicorn on right shoulder blade and a string of 5 butterflies on lower back - one purple,2 blue (for my sons) and 2 pink (for my...
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Not a nasty abusive letter, a nice one asking if anything could be done? Would a "Westerner" be laughed at or ignored. I know how popular we are with the Middle East!
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And someone mentioned banned users trying to get back in. What did they do to get banned from a website:)
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How long does that take each day I wonder?
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£10.95 for 2 course, £11.95 for 3, has anyone eaten at one, and is the food ok?
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hi can i write a letter to the judge to have mercy on my husband and not to give him harsh to write that letter and where to present it.
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But can someone please tell me what the Jankers/Pusskins situation is?
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I did a dark wash today (blacks navy's etc) afterwards on taking them from the machine I noticed everything was covered in white bits (paper tissue) which my H tells me he left in his jeans pocket....
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I think jankers has gone to bed with the hump, haha. he tried to answer one of yesterdays questions, and ended up mistakenly putting on a question. You wont hear any more from him untill he thinks he...
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Sorry I got into a bit of a quandry, lost my way, & its taken me quite a while to sought myself out, & get back to one & all.About 6 mths ago I did join chatterbank, but it got too...
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Just seen a trailer for the new series of this (the original show must have been a big hit), Tuesday, Channel 4 at 9.
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I'm feeling sorry for myself. I am in trouble at work, as I made the mistake of taking on a solicitor, my boss is vile and I'm skint. Alll together now, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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Why don't Louise and Jamie Redknapp ever pronounce the "t" in "it" in the Thomas Cook ad. I find IT most annoying!
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My daily work involves working with solicitors and police. I had cause to complain about a solicitor not allowing me to do my job so my boss wrote a complaint letter about him to the firms senior...
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Got to be the best programme ever.
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Advertising the new Martina Cole book in newspapers and on the actual bookshelves - do they have any? NO! took me almost an hour to drive from one side of York to t'other to discover this. Aaaaaaargh!
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When some woman says 'great party food, and great Christmas entertainment on TV, perfect' Can somebody tell me this, 1. When have we EVER had great Christmas entertainment on TV, and 2. Who watches TV...
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A mosque has been attacked and Asian families beaten up on the streets of Peterborough. The EDL are on the march again, 26 of the knuckle dragging morons have been arrested, more to follow. Why...
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Hi all ive just joined in the hope that someone may be able to offer me any advice on my current situation, my girlfriend and i went out for a load of drinks and a meal a couple of weeks ago, we had a...
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About a month ago, my husband was arrested for assault against me. This was not the first time and was by no means the most serious. Indeed, I had been to the police before but, as there was no...

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