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where can u find a calculator on the web? to calculator your heart rate, distance and steps it takes you complete a 5k, 10k or 20k race.
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What was the first car? Where was it made? Be interesting to find it. Did it run on petrol?
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im using access and visual basic as the code behind it. i want to enable a button only when the date in a text box is the same as in the database column (date). any part of the column on the bottom of...
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What was the first Motorway in the UK? What was the first idea, to delivery something or meet someone? What was the speacial reason. Thanks
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Who started talking bout fairies. Where did they come from? I know they dont exist. Was it something to do with Robin Hood. Thanks
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Where did the surname Jones, Martin, Smith and Williams come from? Thanks
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who built the wall, how long did it take, why was the wall made? has anyone walked on the wall? Thanks

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