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With what defining product do Tuscan cooks benedette - ie give benediction - to their soups? Is it with Tuscan Olive Oil?? Please add verifiable source to any answers please. Replies within 4 days...
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What or where is " Gran Sangre de Toro"?
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Zombie is a cocktail based on what spirit?Vodka? brandy? rum?
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Are Clinton and Monica towns in napa valley? or grapes or wine styles of Gallo Wines?
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which voyager said: "i believe we are all glad to leave NZ's not a pleasant place"? Was it Cpt. james cook; charles darwin; Anthony Trollope or mark twain? Reply by midday today appreciated.
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Was it Jan Morris, Paul Theroux, Norman Lewis or Colin Thubron who said of Bangkok: "...Calcutta smells of death...Bombay of money...Bangkok of sex.."? Reply soonest today please.

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