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21d. Central American country. 6 letters - e - I - - 29a. periodical payments for continental boarding houses 8 letters. - e - s - - - s thanks...
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Help please 11a. Girl may dash in front, note. ??L?N?E 17d. Band involved in close call. S???? Thanks for any help....
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Time2 33a Bewitching 10 letters, all I have is E the first letter....
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stuck on two. 18d. It' inside over a new projection(5) A?N?? , 24a.He described 'young love' (5) H???Y. Any help appreciated.
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Help, I'm stuck - mail on sunday prize crossword - 28.4.13. 20 down - circle measurements which are half a diameter- 5 letters R?D?I thanks in advance guys.......
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32A) Slang term for one's wife (3,7) _ E _ / I _ _ _ O _ S 25D) Tax on legal documents such as those in property transactions (5,4) _ T _ M _ / _ _ T _ Many thanks!...
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Unsure of 15a 0rder- audibly described (5) I have a?i?n. Align?
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Last couple: 11a Bowler breaking back having reduced total (7) --A-T-R? I'm thinking 'Shatter', and 5d Trimmed material, lateral strip (5) A---E (or A-S-E if 'Shatter' is correct). Aisle? But if so,...
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Help please. Austrian neighbours forgetting the first time in billing address? 8 letters..... 2 words......?o?e and ?e? I hear you mounted resistance like other ranks.......5 letters.....??g?r...
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Last one 65 a various agencies can ignore military blockade (5) s?e?e. Thanks
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Last couple. 42a Great composer captured in stone G?r?e? 38a Works hard making snare t?i?s is it toils - can's see the wordplay though! TIA...
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37d, Most advanced in years (6) *l*e*t ta very much
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20D Illustrious aristocrat - E?b?e
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23d An odd one-.... n odd time (6) R????? 27d Inner drive still apparent from some of our genertion (4)??G? 29a Wont resolve to live therin (4) 16d Its put on for a day stored forever and a day, to be...
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4d) A contender? One cannot be serious! (11) 9a) Reserve team up to take a dive? (8) 12a) Cold, icy floor leads the french to crease up (7) 24a) Journalist resisted charges (8) All help greatly...
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can someone help out please 47a 4 withdraw, cryptic, withdraw from the thing ---- 82a 4, 5 argue, cryptic, a dictionary will for 'argue' or 'quarrel' ----/--r-s...
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If the answer to 6d. Thinking of pounds I have laid out. (7), is PENSIVE, why? I just can't see the logic.
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Last two help needed.TIA. 10ac,Namely,bolt not quite long enough to go through lots of sheets for McAlpine (6) ?C?I?? 8dn,Veteran broods over leaving referendum options perhaps (4) N???...
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28a- expression g?e...
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90 down . persons of high rank . n?b?e?e?

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