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Oh dear, that was far too easy! A quick trawl through my Dictionary of Interesting Numbers and a short jigsaw puzzle.
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Another Friday, another Listener and another new setter (or is it). After a very straightforward grid fill, I shall now retire for a glass of something to consider the preamble. These easy fills are...
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An entertaining puzzle, much less difficult than it might appear at first glance. Thanks, Bufo
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An evocative theme from our childhood this week and some very ingenious clues. Tougher than last week, we thought.
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A very pleasant and enjoyable debut by Kevin. Some nice clues and a familiar theme which made me realise how quickly time passes. Possibly suitable for newcomers, but personally, I think that 32D is a...
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Well, thank goodness we have a long weekend. I think I might need that to work out what the blazes the clues mean! I had one theory, but the rubric that all entries are different turned me towards a...
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We have found the clues a step up in difficulty from previous ones and had to go to the Internet for the quotation. Certainly not a puzzle for newcomers this week!
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My first listener from one of the Magpie team (talk about coincidences from last weeks magpie pitch). Obvious misprints made this fairly straightforward to start but tricky to finish. The theme...
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Ploy gave us a relatively straightforward but interesting grid with "Signal Boxes" and it is the same this week. In fact there is more in the grid than needs to be highlighted. A very...
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This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
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At first the high proportion of short words is a bit daunting - but for the most part the clues are fair, even if in one instance a little vulgarity (in my and Chambers' opinion) creeps in. A good...
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This is a terrific technical challenge, with some fine and fair cluing. It made my head spin towards the end, and I suspect transcription into the final grid is going to be particularly prone to...
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Listener 4081 Double Cross by Radix - Two for the price of one this week. Certainly lives up to its title!
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This week we have Hexes by Stick Insect. Very straighforward compared with last week's gem. I thought there was a little ambiguity with shading, which I took to be resolved by requiring symmetry in a...
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This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...
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This one's a gem: don't be put off by the complex instructions or that fearsome 65,536 possible combinations: It all comes out well in the end. Good, fair clues, some lovely PDM's, and a satisfying...
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I'm not sure what the protocol is for starting a Listener thread, so I hope nobody minds if I leap in. I thought this was a nice, accesible run around, more an impressive piece of construction than a...
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Tough debut by Elint this week. Very good surface readings with definitions not always directly linked in Chambers, which I felt made it tougher. I was only mentioning a few weeks back that with the...
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Hoorah - numbers. Again one must marvel at the construction. There are some fairly obvious approaches, but I have not ventured into the hinterland much. I do hope the required clues give a...

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