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Puzzle 9, what is 9 across -e-----f-t-;and 15 across -------t-o-
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Any help with these please? 1 Down: convey commercially: 7 letters: ???i?a? 11 across: reducing the chance of electric shock: 4 &6 15 Across: Removable sofa protection: 5 &6 Thanks...
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7a close to defeat (2,3,5) ?? ??? R?P?S 2d Scarcity (6) ???R?? 7a Confined to a certain area (7) ?????I? 23a Eminence (7) ?T???R? 1d Spellbinding (10) ???H???I?G...
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8 across ???f???e?? satisfaction 10 10 across ???r?? of a measuring scale 6 3 down ???????e unseen danger for motorists 5,3 28 across t?a?l?a??? head of a working party 4,6 thanks...
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Anybody help please; Erotic dancer (2-2-6) ??-??-?a?c?? In a utopia (7) ?????l? Added up part of a whole (8) s?b?????...
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7d persuade (3,4) ?i?o?er 17d imposed (8) e?f?r?e?...
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clue life after death letters 5 5 i have o?h?r ?o?l?
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Has anyone got the music or even just the chords to this song, please? I've got the words already. Thank you.
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2d look (as if ) ???? (4) 3d throw overboard ?????s?n (8) 10a style, layout ?0???? (6) 12a NE english river ?e?s (4) 20a Chinese restaurant beverage ?a?m???tea (7,3) 19d revised ?p???e? (7) 21d...
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13 down (4,6) worn without a tie open ????e? 20 across (10) overstep ?r???g?e?s 23across (5,3) encompassing many things ?a??? all...
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FROM PICK ME UP ISSUE 10 8 Across; preoccupation (10) 10 Across Dethrone, oust (6) 11 across financial distress (8) 14 across Implausible (3-7) 16 across having four straight sides (11) 20 across...
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Any help with these please? 14 across:high degree of exactitude: 10 letters. ****R***** 6 Down: river driving grinding equipment: 10 letters. *I******** Thanks guys...

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