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Irene Franci

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Irene Franci
the 32 points of a compass 20d
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Irene Franci
A farm animal at a certain defined time of maturity, typically being three to four years for cattle 48a house of God for sailors 4d A military caltrop in the shape of two or more twisted nails, laid...
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Irene Franci
Hard drying concrete made from shells, lime, gravel and stones
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Irene Franci
Geological logarithmic device for expressing the size of an earthquake on the basis of seismograph rhythms
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Irene Franci
what is a black seed of a south american tree, cured in alcohol and used in perfumery and food for its vanilla-like fragrance called please
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Irene Franci
what is a great public sacrifice in ancient Greece or Rome, typically of a hundred oxen or many humans
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Irene Franci
...... neglect; another term for benign neglect, the unwritten hands-off policy of the british government towards the american colonies in particular

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