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What damage can a Spybot Worm do and how can I get rid of it?  Somehow or other my Norton AntiVirus won`t work. Please help!!!!!!!
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Help.......I`m having problems that look as though my computer`s opening 2 windows at once.......neither of which will respond to mouse clicks. I`m going demented.....can anyone help? Main problem is...
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Lost the instruction leaflets.........can anyone give me some general info on how to adjust the time on/ time off settings etc.   I have 2 different types and am totally clueless.  Many...
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I want to increase the size of my kitchen by moving a doorway, thus reducing the size of the hallway. This would result in the side of the enclosed staircase complete with understair cupboard...
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What`s the easiest/best way to prepare a freshly caught salmon for cooking?
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I remember seeing an aid for sketching which caused an image to be directed/reflected onto a sheet of paper.A periscope sort of thing on a small stand.   You then just took your pencil or crayon...
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Hi.....I`ve been following a thread about chest pain that seems to have vanished from AB.  Posted by wonky on 21/11/04. The Editor says it must be a glitch in the system but that the...
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Does anyone have any views on the suitability of a KLIPPAN sofa for use in a conservatory/ family room? They seem to be extremely popular but the low price is making me ask.  Many thanks.
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Serious David Blunkett living on the same planet as the rest of us?  His views seem to be becoming more and more extreme. Does he really carry popular support?
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What [if anything] happened to George Orwell following publication of his book? 
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I have an Alba with a random play facility, but have mislaid the instruction book.  Does anyone have a simple solution as to how to play CD`s in a random order instead of straight through? ...
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Many years ago I saw a bedroom fitted with a unit which consisted of a hand basin which was capable of being hinged down to floor level to turn into a shower tray. Does anyone remember this and if so...
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Who else agrees that Prince Charles was spot-on with his comments about our education system?
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Is there an idiot`s guide to removing a floppy disk?  The wrap-around metal thingy on the end had sprung and I should have had more sense than use it.  Many thanks.
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Is there anything like a list of say the 10 most likely things to bring on an attack?
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What do you recommend as the best way to provide year-round background heating to a 12ft x 8ft conservatory that faces West/Northwest? 
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I have cable tv, broadband internet connection, and am still able to log on and send/receive e-mails OK but my phone won`t work at all.  What could be the problem?
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What is the average TOTAL for those attending a religious celebration on a Sunday in Great Britain? 
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what exactly is a tundish and what is it used for? 

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