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Where were you and what were you doing when you heard a big news story that was happening that would, depending on what happened, change the world? No, I wasn't born when John F Kennedy was...
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Can anyone explain why all the post dates (questions and answers) say the same date : 2/06/05 regardless if they were posted today or last week...they all have that date on them...whats up?!
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In the US it is boo-ee,in the UK it is boy-anyone able to tell me why??! Hugs to all Niknak
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I was watching a very interesting documentary last night about Sept 11 and it really got me thinking.  Was it a conspiracy planned by Bush?  I was just wondering what anyone else's thought's...
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How old do u have to be before you can buy alchol is it 16 or 18?
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kool kitty
anyone love dogs mabye have a look at my website. Please have a look. Kool Kitty
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What is the history behind the request chit?
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I was wondering whether you would be able to offer some assistance in the translation of a phrase one of my friends was wearing on a t-shirt last night. our initial and fairly ignorant...
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i love the white stripes. what bands are very similar that i could check out? thanks.
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ok, got another song title/artist question. Also kinda an african tune....only remember the chorus.... goes something like this---   awooaa, woa woa woa wooo ohhh woa..... and no, not "walk like...
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Please help me with this song! All I know is the main singer is male and a chorus of women sing something like this: "Hey-o ma ma ma, bedupmm-da-yea, hey-o ma ma ma, heeeeeeeey-o,...
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Is it possible that a nine month old J R cross (we think with  a corgi) will grow out of his snappiness?  It is not all the time - just the odd time now and again! It seems to happen in...

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