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ghetto poet

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Honour killings. Tell us about them.....
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In the press today it is estimated that the NHS are spending approximately 70 million pounds per year on sex changes. This includes all the counselling and psychology stuff as well as the obvious...
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BBC headline news is carrying the story that school leavers should be encouraged to take an oath of allegiance to the Queen .stm The same bulletin on...
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Gordon Brown has announced that he is trying to bring in a bank holiday called Britian Day, what do people think?
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AB Asks
A 76-year-old man who had been a soldier for 22 years was jailed for 34 days yesterday for refusing to pay ?1,438.51 council tax. Richard Fitzmaurice said that he was in court on a matter of principle...
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Why don't Muslims and Jews eat Pork? I'm not having a pop at anyone - I just don't know much about different Religions Thanks
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The way I feel about drugs and a lot of other things is that so long as what you are partaking of affects only yourself then there should be no law against what you should be able to put into your...
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The Sherman
Right here goes...... I honestly don't want to start a big debate but for all the muslims out here can someone eplain what your religion is all about? From what i have seen so far it is very...
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Regarding the ever increasing problem of youths drinking and hanging around the streets. The goverment seem to be doing nothing, the police seem powerless, the parents don't seem to care, so what can...
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Do muslims tolerate it?
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Following on from my post about atheists and praying chakka asked what I meant when I said I didn't believe in god but nor was I an atheist. I don't believe in god - I suppose I could be called...
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why do muslims leave islamic countries (which they claim have low crime rates and live by the koran) to come and live in the decadent west?

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