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Which did you prefer id say World of Sport cause it had a better theme tune plus Dickie Davies was better than Frank Bough plus at 4 pm you got the wrestling with Big Daddy etc.
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is it just me, or has anyone ever wondered what happend to funhouse? i loved that programme! do u tihnk we could get pat sharp to do anyother series?
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My colleague insists on having 5 and a half teaspoons of sugar in his coffee. Do you agree with me that this is just plain wrong, and does anyone have more than that? Just for the record I am more...
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How do i get to work as an actress, i like acting but dont know how to go about it.
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Apart from dipping your pakora into the sauce i was just wondering does anyone else drink the Pakora Sauce or am i the only one that does this?.
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vikki louise
Who do want to go on friday and why
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I remember watching a Sherlock Holmes movie with Basil Rathbone as Holmes.I remember in one of the movies Holmes & Watson are out fishing & Holmes falls into the river & is dragged away by...
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Hiya I'm from scotland wondering if anyone on here are to.
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Hi, I don't think I am making this up. I am sure that I remember watching this. It would have been late 80's, all I can remember was there was this old guy, who I think was a teacher, he rode a...
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I grew up in the 60's and early 70's and remember quite a few dubbed childrens TV programmes like Robinson Crusoe, Heidi, Belle and Sebastian.  Can anyone remember anymore and are there any...
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On a pack of bananas I bought yesterday the plastic wrapper had the following words: ...
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What was the worse haircut you have ever had? When I was drunk my mates cut my hair with a blunt dagger off the pub wall, I looked like a mad scientist!
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What do you think of the new proposals to extend the opening hours in shops/stores on Sundays?
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Are they related?
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Does anybody know where I've put my keys?
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I had a discusion with a work collegue the other day out of who would win in a fight out of Batman and Spider man please let me know your views.
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Does anyone know the most expensive ads either for football brands or featuring footballers?
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Which radio and television series had the name of a book with the useful words inside "don't panic"?
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Back in the 80s, I remember having seen a trailer for a Ken Russell movie whose title was "Gothic", if I remember well. I did not see it when it was in the theatres (it didn't last long anyway)...
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If I enter an extortionate bid price (like a lot of other people are) to stop Live 8 tickets being sold on Ebay, how do I avoid been liable to pay the amount? (I don't want to use my proper Ebay id as...

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