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9a A sacred or holy place S?N??U?
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12a Small change in the value of a mathematical variable or function
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11D A small flavoured sweet or lozenge for chewing 8 letters -ys--l-e Last one to get and just cannot. Perhaps I have something else wrong ???
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23A The answer here is surely Obelus - but not enough letters. Looking at the answers here it is Obelisk but that is a tapering pillar of stone. Am I missing the point?
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Any language experts out there?? German term loosely meaning "noisy spirit" 11 letters - - - - -R - E - - - Have exhausted every source I can find and myself too!
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a mammal of the racoon family r-n-t--l pretty sure it must end with tail but.......
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How on earth do you spell **** a leekie (soup) as in 8down ??? Have got ****-e-e-k-e . Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely ?
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type of electromagnetic radiation lying outside the visible spectrum

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