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Having just cleared out the loft I came across my old uni work One topic I had to analyse was the play Abigail`s Party. I read my assignment which I was awarded a B+. I was wondering if anybody else...
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My mum has an old labrador x golden retriever he is riddled with fleas and as soon as she treats him more appear. I have just got an 9 week old kitten and after a couple of days of having her i...
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I'm thinking of making my own mini 'doner' style kebabs but healthier ones using lamb mice on skewers, anyone know what seasoning that I would need for them to be really tasty? Many thanks
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To withdraw from a place of danger to a place of safety E - A - - A - E
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Last year for the first time we lost, firstly all our potatoes, then our toms to blight, due to the warm wet July. This year, following advice we have sprayed with Dithane as a preventitive, But...
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Is it only mine that does this? Well, I know it isn't but anyway! Do I have to wait till he does himself a serious injury before he will realise I can talk sense!? Like a couple of weeks ago, come...
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evenin you lot, how was your day? i hope it was sunny and wonderful im happy as can be got my single duvet back from mum and dad in law finally. oh, that's a point, who else in relationship or not on...
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im serving fish for a special dinner with apple pie to follow, any ideas what i can serve for a starter, too hot for soup right now.
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What do you know? how is your knowledge? If you were asked What is the capital of England Who is the President of the USA Who is Barry Manilow Who was the first actor to win an oscar What does GK...
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What is sushi like from a nutritional point of view? Is it good/bad for you, how much should you eat in a week raw fish-wise? Thanks in advance
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I have been away for ages to NYC and now back for some family reunion in good old Blighty. Seems there are the same old posters on this site but are there any fit men. I am looking for 35 - 50ish must...
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one of my 4 year old cats has been missing for 11 days now, we have put posters up with her pic on tel number etc. and posted in letter boxes around where we live. She has never gone out for more than...
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our raspberry bushes have produced tonnes of lovely raspberries and i'm looking for interesting ideas for serving them up. It seems a shame to use them all up in smoothies, or just have them with...
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I work in retail as a shop manager. In the past as long as an assistent manager or similar was covering my shop, I could book any holiday I ws entitled to, Last week I sent in a holiday form for...
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Having grown our own veg in our garden for 4 years, ( garlic, runner beans, broad beans, rhubarb, tomatoes, potatoes, raspberries etc, I would like to expand to an allotment. Tonight I typed in the...
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Top 7 movies. EVER EVER EVER. (No order) The Great Escape Jaws True Romance Leon Shawshank Redemption Labyrinth Silence of the Lambs.
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and why? for me.... I'll stand by you...the pretenders (first time that I got sent to jail in my younger days) Manic Monday...the bangles ( reminds me of my first girlfriend) A change will do you...
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Was at my local shopping centre the other day, and popped into what was once a butchers to find another bleeding sandwich baguette shop,my god how many of things do we need,anyway i used to buy a...
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Has anyone witnessed cats in catnip? If so, how do they behave?
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A silly one for any one whos interested. Give one line of a song who ever gets it (just the song will do but if your cleaver the artist as well) gets to do the next one. it can be anywhere in the...

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