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Why do my cats prefer to sit on paper?  If i'm reading a map/magasine/newspaper on the table they'll choose to sit there in front of my instead of anywhere else.  Should we leave said bit of...
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I feel i need to report the mother of my stepson! He comes round mine 3 nights a week and is seriously thin he told me his mummy is trying to get him to lose weight (if he lost any more he would be...
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IS there a law about what ge children have to be before they can be left at home alone or does it vary depending on length of time they to be left, whether they home alone a night etc? I am not...
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yes i love the easter holiday, i have a leg of lamb in oven, housework done, had shower, in my comfy pyjamas and fluffly socks! what a perfect day! lol even the kids are chilled out, they have 13...
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Anyone out there got any tips for kickstarting the labour process???? Have already tried the usuals such as spicy food etc and am starting to climb the walls!!!!
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this is a serious question on behalf of my young lady who is 13 weeks pregnant. she has become a little concerned about the extra growth of pubic hair on her lady garden and around her bumhole. i...
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my son is 18 yrs old, he left school 2 yrs ago has been sacked from 2 apprenticships, 2 college courses and another job. he says he wants a job but does nothing to actually get 1, then when i get hin...
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are you finding parenting a real struggle???? wonder why your child acts how they do when you feel you give them all they need emotionally etc???? pleeeease read these two bks by ross campbell "how to...
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My daughters dad only started seeing her when she was 4. He would visit one night a week for a couple of hours, but really only sat on the sofa and didn't really do much with her, probably because it...
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well it will be just over a week since Declan has had his bottle, and still against his beaker, but have been giving him plenty of fluid in his foods (cereal etc),,,, anyway last night we had a...
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Last year she bought a playstation for him from Santa. My parents bought him the same mainly because they looked after him at the weekends and there is very little for him to do where my parents live...
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and spotting again. this is my 3rd preganancy with my new husband and as soon as I get to 6 weeks I start spotting. I really dont think I can face losing a 3rd one. I'm not sure what to do as the...
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hi every1 i gave birth 2 a loveley baby boy 4 weeks ago and just wanted 2 no when you can use tampax do i need 2 wait 6 weeks when ive seen doctor x
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my son is 14 month's old, soemtimes he will cry for no reason, unless you give him attention. I have tried ignoring him, but he will continue to cry until you give him attention (he does not need...
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I have had a great idea for an invention, but expect someone has already had it. It would be a complete baby monitor linked to a webcam, so as well as Mum at home being able to monitor the baby, if I...
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My wife is expecting our first child in 2 weeks time - there is argument whether to keep the baby in the same room as us for the first few months or to have it literally in the next room but with a...
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One of our neighbours (a 14 year old girl) would make an ideal babysitter for us once the children are in bed...and her parents live very close so they would be on hand if anything happened... Are...
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Well, let me be first to wish you all a Happy Easter. I like this holiday much better than Christmas. Much calmer. :-)
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My family have always eaten hot cross buns toasted and buttered. My wifes family always just heat them in the oven and eat them dry. Until we met neither of us were aware that people ate them any...
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My grandson is forever getting head lice at school. We get it sorted and by the time he has been back to schoo; for the week he has them back again. It seems the only time he is free of them is when...

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