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11a(11) reference books style half-dreary (DxxxxxNxxx) 14a(12) Degrees of warmth are returning in half-cut tree stump (xxxxxxxxxOxS) 13d(10) Feeling it's all around us (xxBxxxxHxx) 15d(9) Local is...
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Help again required 9a (8) Again revaluate score,a session is gripping(R?D?S?S?) 18d(7) Like a rascal,crashed his van after kilometre(K?A????) 24a(8)Forcing to be co-operative (?B???I?? ) 26a8)...
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1a (7) compelled company to have new creed 3d (10) What made chicken opt for a secure road crossing (????t?o???) 18a (3-3-6)Score with awkward truths in clever argument (????????r?u?) ....
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Brain blockage again? 1a(6) Lawyer in screen is a silk (D?m???) 4a (8) Marmite? Greater Manchester town's right out (?t?????t) 26a (8) Snare fish after nest 's repair (e???n?e?) 6d (7) Official...
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Last conflicting answers; 2d (7) Silver coins of ancient Rome (d?n?r?i) 13a(8) Member of an order of Benedictine monks founded in 1319 (o???e?a?)...
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20a (10) New stationer having reorganised first is booming (xxxxxOxIxn) 14d (9) Journalists note viewed as cliched HxCxxxxxD)...
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5d (8) Travellers manner gets lighter in conversation (?a?f?r?r) 13d(5&5) One who gives the thumbs up sign by the way ((??t?h?i???)...
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13d (10) Some analytic piecework (xIxSxCxxxx) 28a (7) Volunteers drank rum-from this (Txxxxxx)...
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47a (6) - argus; butterfly with dark brown velvety wings,genus eribi(???t??)
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Last one and truly flummoxed 7d(4) In favour of female academic (?r?v)...
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Yet again a request or help 11a (6&6) Veteran using net more certain to catch fish initially following change (SxLxEx SxxxxxR) 12d(12) A paper surprisingly probing revolution making a fresh judgement....
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4a (8) Dogsbody,it's undeniable without a belly (xAxxxxxx) 10a(8) Formal English girl,in short, of ancient origins (xRxxxxxx) 21d (6) Writer about Oscar associated with goody-goody type of film...
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Last one 15a (8) Region lying along a shore (LxTxOxAx)...
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Last two 42d (9) -tails; classic shortbread shape said to have been invented by Mary.Queen of Scots ( PxTxLxOxT) 53d (5) Piece of cloth sewn in a garment ( IxSxO)...
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5d (8&6) Group left in certain parties frequently inundated area (SxMxxxExxxVxLx) 18a (8) In correspondence with friend about artist joining French Left xxxAxLxx 28a (8) Sprains something to do with...
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12a(9) Festivity containing posh cooked meat in country (GxAxExExx) 16a (Gentleman taken aback by german dish (xxSxxxx) 8d (8) Formal fare produced by a French church in Spanish city (LxNxxxEx) 19a...
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Stumped yet again!!!! 11a(4-4) Positions from where reds go for goals(xExTxIxD) 11d (9) Laird left a knight with star of depression (xxNxxxNxR) 16a (9) Frolicked in games that must have died out...
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2d (5&10) Small volume that,in short,is Morocco bound (CxBxxxExxxxxxxE) 6d(10) Information on English helping peer group (GxNxRxTxxx) 17a (8) Believer, of a sort,at hospital in severe pain (xxxxOxIx)...
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Last two again!! 8d(8) Long term plan to go wrong,about to become upset (SxRxxxGx) 13a(7) Great man in resting place one turns to ashes (CxExOxx)...
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Not doing at all well today,must be the dreaded 1st ? 7d(7&6) Mobility aids left amid stirring criticism by some initially ( xAxxxxxxxKx) is it walking sticks ?...

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