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ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald 's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. 'We don't have half dozen nuggets,' said the...
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Had a really great day today! Went to Clacton with my OH best mate and his gf and their 2 young boys for some fun in the sun! I'm nicely coloiured, although possibly slightly pink! Was a first for me...
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what was everybods fav 80s-90s song????
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I just wondered as these lads on the bus referred to them as Rozzers! I've never heard them being called that before.
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...I've lost 2lb since Monday. Woowoo.......... If no one is interested I'll apologise for wasting everybody's reading time and quietly go to bed.
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when i used my hair straightners for the 1st time it left my hair really nice but after using them a few times its now aking my ends of my hair go frizzy..... ne suggestions on wot icld use to stop...
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I really hope someone can help, Yesterday I did a clearblue test, it came out negative, I took the test aprt and after bout 6 mins it started going positive, I did the test again first thing this...
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hi can nebody tell me y that when i push my red button in the lefthand corner ov my tv that it doesnt work even tho they tell u to push ur red button now???? cld it b a fault with my tv????
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hi there now we have the hot weather i was wondering weather you would still need to have your heating on during the night or would it be best to leave it off??
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and your cat starts developing an unsightly bulge, is it possible she will give birth to a hybrid? My cat is indoors almost all the time, so i can't see how else it could have happened. when i caught...
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My hair goes quite frizzy once i've used them, should i use product before i straighten my hair?
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if you could get any girl or man in the world who would it be. mine would be jennifer lopez god that women is soooooooooosooooooooooosoooooooooooo sexy sexy attractive,she does it for me anyway lol...
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hi ive just brought the new o2 cocoon fone i was wondering weather nebody new how to transfer pixs from ur fone to the pc.......ive installed the pc suite and done all wot i need too but for the life...
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hi i need to wash my roller blinds that hang at my window could nebody tell me wot temputure i need the washing machine on so they wldnt shrink?????
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hi there i just brought the 02 cocoon phone i have installed the pc suite but im not quite sure how you transfer photos from your phone to your pc.....ive tryed everything and just cant work it...
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iknow this shldnt b posted here but didnt know which catorgory to post it in............ ive just brought the o2 cocoon fone i installed the pc suite but can neone tell me how i get my fotos that i...
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HI im pale skinned and want a good fake tanner, can anyone recommend the best one to buy??? x

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